陈凯博客 从胆怯、懒惰与混乱的“奴”到清晰、自由与无畏的“人”
From Fearful Slaves to Brave Free Beings
- 从文化奴、命运奴、环境奴、种族奴、祖宗奴等的"奴性文化心态"到自由人"道德方向"的进步性文化心态 -
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 1/26/2010, Reprint 7/29/2011)
"甘愿做奴隶的人都是梦想当主子的人"。 我这个很早以前就做过的断言被一次又一次的证实: 不光我在中国大陆的时候人们与现实就向我证实了这个断言,今天在海外的所谓"反共人士们"在他们人与人的关系中更常常证实我这个断言。 "强权与地位"的反智反灵的疯狂追求是他们"奴、主"心态的外在必然体现。
我不能想象像美国的建国者之一的阿达姆斯(John Adams),当他在美国独立时期因正义感为英军士兵挺身辩护的壮举在中国的人们中,特别是所谓海外的"反共人士们"中会有什么样的反应。 但当时反英的美洲大陆"移民议会"正因为阿达姆斯的"反暴民"维护正义的勇敢举动将他特意请进议会并成为美国建国后的第二任总统。 是什么样的心态文化才会崇尚真实、正义、自由与人的尊严? 说真话拥正义的人与讲假话虚话取悦多数人的人 - 在中文语言的文化环境中谁会得到尊崇?
基督是因将真话求正义而被多数人与权力迫害的人。 但为什么在西方人们没有将他作为被动的"受害者"、"精神病患者"或"不识时务的傻瓜"去讥笑嘲辱、或可怜同情他,而将他作为圣人与典范去尊崇呢? 相对之下,林昭 – 一个道德伟大、坚守正义的女性在中国被毛共专制虐杀了。 今天大部分中国的人们对她的评价是:"一个时代的受害者"、"一个有胆子而不识时务的好人"、"一个可怜、可悲、可敬的牺牲品"或"一个精神不正常的傻瓜"。 没有人会尊崇与效仿林昭的精神与行为;更没有人会让他的子女们学习效仿林昭的精神与行为并将她作为圣者去永世尊崇并作为自省的圣训。 "跪着生"的奴隶们与"站着死"的烈士们充斥着中国这片崇尚"虚无的精明"与"强权的暴虐"的大地。 "站着生"的真实的自由人便在中国的大地上成为永远的虚无。 奴/主心态就成为必然弥漫华语世界。
看看今天中国的人们崇尚什么样的人,你就会懂得今天中国的人们是什么样的人。 被多数人迫害的正义之人绝不是中国的人们向往成为或尊崇的人。 中国的人们尊崇的是杀人的人,是言行不一的"人鬼小人"与玩弄文字游戏的骗子巫师。 谁杀的人越多谁就越伟大不朽;谁骗的人越多谁就越博大精深。 秦始皇、毛泽东(主子们)是中国的人们吹捧尊崇的至高无上的典范:兵马俑与红卫兵(奴隶们)成了"扶红花"的绿叶、成了中国的人们胆怯接受的必须的生存方式程序。 张飞庙、关羽庙充斥着一个拜杀人偶像的病态世界。 雷锋一样的"宦奴娼"们是崇尚"为人民服务"的无灵"活死人"顶礼膜拜的"伪道德榜样"。 杀少正卯以立"文字狱"的、唱赞"只有强奸才能生育"的、极权专制的建论者、腐儒皇家官吏-- 孔丘 成了中国的人们永世跪拜的祖师爷和圣人。 容忍专制邪恶的"好死不如赖活着的"大多数的人们消灭了"不自由毋宁死"的少数的有良知灵魂的人。 孔儒专制与毛共强权融为一体,自然而然地成了今日中国(文化)的定义。 有趣的是今天由于孔儒专制与毛共强权"被流亡"在海外的"反共人士们"尊崇的与追求的竟是同样的专制伪价值(统一、强大、繁荣、和谐、强汉盛唐、忠孝节义、、、)。 "夺权救国"而不是"建灵复智"是中国主、奴们的共同追求。
"文化奴"们认为中国的专制奴文化是不可以被批评分析的:将腐儒的专制性质剖析暴露是大逆不道的亵渎。 "命运奴"们认为"鬼秘"的命运是人的主宰: 个体是没有自由意志的-- 那些与命运博争的人只是些不识时务的傻瓜。 "环境奴"们认为人是环境的产物: 你的出生地、你的家庭、你的社会等级决定你是谁、是什么。 "种族奴"们认为你的肤色,族群、性别与长相决定你的一切。 "祖宗奴"们则认为你既有祖坟在中国你就要服从专制祖先留下来的一切程序规矩。 更不要说今天的"党奴、国奴、权力奴、金钱奴、地位奴"了、、、。
知道一个人不想要什么容易。 知道一个人想要什么难。 "被烫缩回手"的反射性动物行为容易。 "思维追求"式主动自知行为难。 "牢笼被喂,吆喝上套"的奴性被动的懒虫行为容易。 "自然中寻食寻乐寻意义"的自由人付代价担风险的主动追寻难。 不想要奴役专制容易。 建立自由民主社会难。
得到自由的前提是坚信自由的存在并付出应有的代价去得到她。 "神"(上帝、良知、美德)的存在就自然逻辑地成为先决。 如果人的生命、自由与追求幸福的权利是来自政府与他人的,那这些权利在瞬息间就会被伪赋予者夺走。 腐儒孔学的"君臣父子"的"皇权论"就此便成为中国历代专制王朝的专制基点。 "父母官"与"子民"、"救星"与"苦海无边"、"政府养人"与"无奈百姓"变成了今天在大陆无数"上访人"的心态情结。 既然政府大家养了你,自然地政府大家也就可以抢你杀你。 自古以来,政府大家为权杀人是所有中国人接受的、不受任何道德谴责的自然行为。 "反贪官、反皇帝"而"不反专制、不反皇权"成了中国人的病态行为模式。 "反拆迁"而不求"私有地产权"成了中国的人们怪诞的思维程序。 甚至在海外"被流亡"的反共人士们也迷恋在"用反西方的左派学说为中国式'完美专制的追求'"找借口去唱赞专制,用"国情论"延续宣扬"和谐、繁荣与强大"去建立又一个伪国度。 自古就从不"信神"而永远"崇鬼"的"龙的传人们"自然地就成为"拒自由而亲专制"的"多年的媳妇熬成婆"的"主/奴心态"的真虚无/伪存在。
"做自由人"是一个人一秒钟就能决定的方向性抉择。 然而走"自由的路"则是一个人勇敢地付出代价去毕生追求的渐进过程。 生在"奴役槽船"上与"专制牢笼"中不是一个人可以选择的。 跳进自然的大海中去勇敢地畅游探索、奔驰在旷野与丛林中去寻找真知与幸福则是一个人可以选择的。 道德的清晰与正义感是一个人自由的先决。 理智的健全与逻辑感是一个人得以自由的工具。 真实的欢乐与幸福是一个人自由的最终目的。 在一个人全部的良性品质中,勇气是最重要的。 没有勇气的人是不能面对自身怯懦、懒惰与灵智混乱的人。 没有勇气的人是支离破碎的、被动无奈的、默默绝望着的人。 懦夫胆小鬼是不值得、也永远与自由幸福绝缘的"宦奴娼"。 你究竟是想做"中国人"还是想做"自由人"。 选择属于你。
长期的"被阉割"的、在被动的"奴船上"的苟且度生的人们要想自由必须经过极为痛苦磨难的"建立追求自由的意志"与"回复自由的肌肉与神经"的艰巨过程。 一个经过"专制牢笼"的肌肉萎缩、神经麻痹、精神颓丧的被动奴去"下海游泳"、去"健步登山"、去主动追求真实价值似乎看起来是个不可能的遐想幻梦。 但我从中国到美国, 从奴役走向自由的心理路程向我自己证实了自由的可能与可贵。 人们可以在我的书"一比十亿 One in a Billion" http://www.amazon.com/One-Billion-Journey-Toward-Freedom/dp/1425985025 与视频纪录片"我的路 My Way" http://kaichenblog.blogspot.com/2009/01/my-way-four-episodes-of-tv-special.html 中得到启发汲取力量。
我坚信: 存在必然战胜虚无;自由必然击毁奴役;人将最终取代"民"与"奴"在中国,在世界上挺立而行。" 如果我可以自由,可以有尊严,可以得到幸福,你也可以。"--- [我的路] - 四集视频如下:
From Fearful Slaves to Brave Free Beings
- 从文化奴、命运奴、环境奴、种族奴、祖宗奴等的"奴性文化心态"到自由人"道德方向"的进步性文化心态 -
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 1/26/2010, Reprint 7/29/2011)
"甘愿做奴隶的人都是梦想当主子的人"。 我这个很早以前就做过的断言被一次又一次的证实: 不光我在中国大陆的时候人们与现实就向我证实了这个断言,今天在海外的所谓"反共人士们"在他们人与人的关系中更常常证实我这个断言。 "强权与地位"的反智反灵的疯狂追求是他们"奴、主"心态的外在必然体现。
我不能想象像美国的建国者之一的阿达姆斯(John Adams),当他在美国独立时期因正义感为英军士兵挺身辩护的壮举在中国的人们中,特别是所谓海外的"反共人士们"中会有什么样的反应。 但当时反英的美洲大陆"移民议会"正因为阿达姆斯的"反暴民"维护正义的勇敢举动将他特意请进议会并成为美国建国后的第二任总统。 是什么样的心态文化才会崇尚真实、正义、自由与人的尊严? 说真话拥正义的人与讲假话虚话取悦多数人的人 - 在中文语言的文化环境中谁会得到尊崇?
基督是因将真话求正义而被多数人与权力迫害的人。 但为什么在西方人们没有将他作为被动的"受害者"、"精神病患者"或"不识时务的傻瓜"去讥笑嘲辱、或可怜同情他,而将他作为圣人与典范去尊崇呢? 相对之下,林昭 – 一个道德伟大、坚守正义的女性在中国被毛共专制虐杀了。 今天大部分中国的人们对她的评价是:"一个时代的受害者"、"一个有胆子而不识时务的好人"、"一个可怜、可悲、可敬的牺牲品"或"一个精神不正常的傻瓜"。 没有人会尊崇与效仿林昭的精神与行为;更没有人会让他的子女们学习效仿林昭的精神与行为并将她作为圣者去永世尊崇并作为自省的圣训。 "跪着生"的奴隶们与"站着死"的烈士们充斥着中国这片崇尚"虚无的精明"与"强权的暴虐"的大地。 "站着生"的真实的自由人便在中国的大地上成为永远的虚无。 奴/主心态就成为必然弥漫华语世界。
看看今天中国的人们崇尚什么样的人,你就会懂得今天中国的人们是什么样的人。 被多数人迫害的正义之人绝不是中国的人们向往成为或尊崇的人。 中国的人们尊崇的是杀人的人,是言行不一的"人鬼小人"与玩弄文字游戏的骗子巫师。 谁杀的人越多谁就越伟大不朽;谁骗的人越多谁就越博大精深。 秦始皇、毛泽东(主子们)是中国的人们吹捧尊崇的至高无上的典范:兵马俑与红卫兵(奴隶们)成了"扶红花"的绿叶、成了中国的人们胆怯接受的必须的生存方式程序。 张飞庙、关羽庙充斥着一个拜杀人偶像的病态世界。 雷锋一样的"宦奴娼"们是崇尚"为人民服务"的无灵"活死人"顶礼膜拜的"伪道德榜样"。 杀少正卯以立"文字狱"的、唱赞"只有强奸才能生育"的、极权专制的建论者、腐儒皇家官吏-- 孔丘 成了中国的人们永世跪拜的祖师爷和圣人。 容忍专制邪恶的"好死不如赖活着的"大多数的人们消灭了"不自由毋宁死"的少数的有良知灵魂的人。 孔儒专制与毛共强权融为一体,自然而然地成了今日中国(文化)的定义。 有趣的是今天由于孔儒专制与毛共强权"被流亡"在海外的"反共人士们"尊崇的与追求的竟是同样的专制伪价值(统一、强大、繁荣、和谐、强汉盛唐、忠孝节义、、、)。 "夺权救国"而不是"建灵复智"是中国主、奴们的共同追求。
"文化奴"们认为中国的专制奴文化是不可以被批评分析的:将腐儒的专制性质剖析暴露是大逆不道的亵渎。 "命运奴"们认为"鬼秘"的命运是人的主宰: 个体是没有自由意志的-- 那些与命运博争的人只是些不识时务的傻瓜。 "环境奴"们认为人是环境的产物: 你的出生地、你的家庭、你的社会等级决定你是谁、是什么。 "种族奴"们认为你的肤色,族群、性别与长相决定你的一切。 "祖宗奴"们则认为你既有祖坟在中国你就要服从专制祖先留下来的一切程序规矩。 更不要说今天的"党奴、国奴、权力奴、金钱奴、地位奴"了、、、。
知道一个人不想要什么容易。 知道一个人想要什么难。 "被烫缩回手"的反射性动物行为容易。 "思维追求"式主动自知行为难。 "牢笼被喂,吆喝上套"的奴性被动的懒虫行为容易。 "自然中寻食寻乐寻意义"的自由人付代价担风险的主动追寻难。 不想要奴役专制容易。 建立自由民主社会难。
得到自由的前提是坚信自由的存在并付出应有的代价去得到她。 "神"(上帝、良知、美德)的存在就自然逻辑地成为先决。 如果人的生命、自由与追求幸福的权利是来自政府与他人的,那这些权利在瞬息间就会被伪赋予者夺走。 腐儒孔学的"君臣父子"的"皇权论"就此便成为中国历代专制王朝的专制基点。 "父母官"与"子民"、"救星"与"苦海无边"、"政府养人"与"无奈百姓"变成了今天在大陆无数"上访人"的心态情结。 既然政府大家养了你,自然地政府大家也就可以抢你杀你。 自古以来,政府大家为权杀人是所有中国人接受的、不受任何道德谴责的自然行为。 "反贪官、反皇帝"而"不反专制、不反皇权"成了中国人的病态行为模式。 "反拆迁"而不求"私有地产权"成了中国的人们怪诞的思维程序。 甚至在海外"被流亡"的反共人士们也迷恋在"用反西方的左派学说为中国式'完美专制的追求'"找借口去唱赞专制,用"国情论"延续宣扬"和谐、繁荣与强大"去建立又一个伪国度。 自古就从不"信神"而永远"崇鬼"的"龙的传人们"自然地就成为"拒自由而亲专制"的"多年的媳妇熬成婆"的"主/奴心态"的真虚无/伪存在。
"做自由人"是一个人一秒钟就能决定的方向性抉择。 然而走"自由的路"则是一个人勇敢地付出代价去毕生追求的渐进过程。 生在"奴役槽船"上与"专制牢笼"中不是一个人可以选择的。 跳进自然的大海中去勇敢地畅游探索、奔驰在旷野与丛林中去寻找真知与幸福则是一个人可以选择的。 道德的清晰与正义感是一个人自由的先决。 理智的健全与逻辑感是一个人得以自由的工具。 真实的欢乐与幸福是一个人自由的最终目的。 在一个人全部的良性品质中,勇气是最重要的。 没有勇气的人是不能面对自身怯懦、懒惰与灵智混乱的人。 没有勇气的人是支离破碎的、被动无奈的、默默绝望着的人。 懦夫胆小鬼是不值得、也永远与自由幸福绝缘的"宦奴娼"。 你究竟是想做"中国人"还是想做"自由人"。 选择属于你。
长期的"被阉割"的、在被动的"奴船上"的苟且度生的人们要想自由必须经过极为痛苦磨难的"建立追求自由的意志"与"回复自由的肌肉与神经"的艰巨过程。 一个经过"专制牢笼"的肌肉萎缩、神经麻痹、精神颓丧的被动奴去"下海游泳"、去"健步登山"、去主动追求真实价值似乎看起来是个不可能的遐想幻梦。 但我从中国到美国, 从奴役走向自由的心理路程向我自己证实了自由的可能与可贵。 人们可以在我的书"一比十亿 One in a Billion" http://www.amazon.com/One-Billion-Journey-Toward-Freedom/dp/1425985025 与视频纪录片"我的路 My Way" http://kaichenblog.blogspot.com/2009/01/my-way-four-episodes-of-tv-special.html 中得到启发汲取力量。
我坚信: 存在必然战胜虚无;自由必然击毁奴役;人将最终取代"民"与"奴"在中国,在世界上挺立而行。" 如果我可以自由,可以有尊严,可以得到幸福,你也可以。"--- [我的路] - 四集视频如下:
Love for Sports and American Spirit
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
体育将客观,法制, 与自由竞争的概念传给人间。
Sports and athletics propagate the concepts of objectivity, rule of law and free and fair competition.
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (8/9/2011 Reprint)
NBA semi-finals are in full swing. I have watched most of the games like I always did. But every time I watch these athletes exhibit their athleticism and their competitive spirit, I marveled over the greatness of mankind. I understand only in America, through pure and unimpeded competition, through a completely capitalistic, logical and open market, sports and athletics can retain a healthy and progressive essence.
Surely these NBA players make a lot of money, but the professionalism they have exhibited throughout the season and the playoffs shows that they are not playing for money alone, they are playing for the pure love of the sports, and through these games, they are burning like bright stars, bringing energy, optimism, respect and dignity to all of us.
Miracles happen in America all the time and I am so amazed that ordinary people here can display extraordinary courage and effort, and make sheer miracles happen. Phoenix Suns are not a talented team, but they have gone this far, and in their first game in Dallas, they defeated the host team, though great team work and effort. I am always moved by the courage and dedication they have displayed. It is as if their heroism tells me and all the people who are watching: If I can do it, with the limited talent I have, you can do it as well.
Think about what they have to go through to get to this point: fatigue, injuries, distractions, family obligations, relationships with teammates, audience, referees, coaches, management, opponents..., 82 games throughout the regular season, and playoffs with bigger games. It is only in America, athletes and players can have such a dedication.
I remember someone in European media once commented, back in the Jordan years:
"Just to witness the greatness of Michael Jordan, we can all rest assured that America system and society are healthy and thriving, for only in a great system, an individual like Jordan can fully exhibit his greatness, and hence all of us can experience unprecedented joy over limitless human potentials."
I solute America and American athletes, and proud of their achievements. I, as an former pro-athlete, will never take my life in America for granted. I have been through yesterday, I treasure today, and I am looking forward to tomorrow.
Let's all be grateful for the country we live in and for God to have created such a great country for free people: America -- My love.
Supplemental Thoughts
As I watched the US -- China basketball game in Guangzhou, I also realized how important for players to have the right chemistry with one another on the same team.
In the NBA, because players have freedom to move around according to which team and what players they want to play for and play with, a team will have much better chance developing the right chemistry among the players. The owners and the managers also know that players who hate one another (or the coach or the management) will not perform well on the court.
However, in China because of this lack of freedom by the players to move around according to their own personal liking and interests, quite often you have players on the same team who dislike and hate one another. Yet they have to play together for they have no choice on which team they are on. Players may dislike the team, the coaching, the other players, the location of the team.... But they are forced together under one umbrella much like what China is today. So there is a tremendous inner-exhaustion with in-fighting and grudges among players and coaches and managers (leaders).
I remember that I had to force myself every day and every moment to be on the court with players I never wanted to play with, and with the coaches and leaders I never wanted to play under. This caused a lot of stress and unnecessary waste of energy for everyone. And I know for sure that unhappy players and coaches having to be together will not perform well. The team always suffers.
It is no surprise that China lost by 46 points to the US. The Chinese players are simply too exhausted in thinking about other things than basketball.
Love for Sports and American Spirit
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
体育将客观,法制, 与自由竞争的概念传给人间。
Sports and athletics propagate the concepts of objectivity, rule of law and free and fair competition.
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (8/9/2011 Reprint)
NBA semi-finals are in full swing. I have watched most of the games like I always did. But every time I watch these athletes exhibit their athleticism and their competitive spirit, I marveled over the greatness of mankind. I understand only in America, through pure and unimpeded competition, through a completely capitalistic, logical and open market, sports and athletics can retain a healthy and progressive essence.
Surely these NBA players make a lot of money, but the professionalism they have exhibited throughout the season and the playoffs shows that they are not playing for money alone, they are playing for the pure love of the sports, and through these games, they are burning like bright stars, bringing energy, optimism, respect and dignity to all of us.
Miracles happen in America all the time and I am so amazed that ordinary people here can display extraordinary courage and effort, and make sheer miracles happen. Phoenix Suns are not a talented team, but they have gone this far, and in their first game in Dallas, they defeated the host team, though great team work and effort. I am always moved by the courage and dedication they have displayed. It is as if their heroism tells me and all the people who are watching: If I can do it, with the limited talent I have, you can do it as well.
Think about what they have to go through to get to this point: fatigue, injuries, distractions, family obligations, relationships with teammates, audience, referees, coaches, management, opponents..., 82 games throughout the regular season, and playoffs with bigger games. It is only in America, athletes and players can have such a dedication.
I remember someone in European media once commented, back in the Jordan years:
"Just to witness the greatness of Michael Jordan, we can all rest assured that America system and society are healthy and thriving, for only in a great system, an individual like Jordan can fully exhibit his greatness, and hence all of us can experience unprecedented joy over limitless human potentials."
I solute America and American athletes, and proud of their achievements. I, as an former pro-athlete, will never take my life in America for granted. I have been through yesterday, I treasure today, and I am looking forward to tomorrow.
Let's all be grateful for the country we live in and for God to have created such a great country for free people: America -- My love.
Supplemental Thoughts
As I watched the US -- China basketball game in Guangzhou, I also realized how important for players to have the right chemistry with one another on the same team.
In the NBA, because players have freedom to move around according to which team and what players they want to play for and play with, a team will have much better chance developing the right chemistry among the players. The owners and the managers also know that players who hate one another (or the coach or the management) will not perform well on the court.
However, in China because of this lack of freedom by the players to move around according to their own personal liking and interests, quite often you have players on the same team who dislike and hate one another. Yet they have to play together for they have no choice on which team they are on. Players may dislike the team, the coaching, the other players, the location of the team.... But they are forced together under one umbrella much like what China is today. So there is a tremendous inner-exhaustion with in-fighting and grudges among players and coaches and managers (leaders).
I remember that I had to force myself every day and every moment to be on the court with players I never wanted to play with, and with the coaches and leaders I never wanted to play under. This caused a lot of stress and unnecessary waste of energy for everyone. And I know for sure that unhappy players and coaches having to be together will not perform well. The team always suffers.
It is no surprise that China lost by 46 points to the US. The Chinese players are simply too exhausted in thinking about other things than basketball.
Your Happiness Is On Yourself Alone
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
价值一语: Words of Value:
While not all the time one is responsible for his own misery and misfortune, he is always responsible for his own happiness. --- Dennis Prager
虽然一个人并不总对他自身的不幸与痛苦负责任,他却永远对他的幸福承担全部责任。 --- Dennis Prager
The ones who want to escape from misery and pain will always find excuses/pretenses for their own personal irresponsibility. Only the ones who pursue freedom and happiness will have the courage to take their own individual responsibility for their actions and words. --- Kai Chen
永远逃避痛苦与不幸的人们也会永远为自己的懦弱与胆怯寻找借口与托词。 只有无畏追求自由与幸福的人们才会为自身个体的言论与行为负责任。 --- 陈凯
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 11/14/2006,Reprint 8/4/2011)
Think a little more about the above quote from the conservative talk show host Dennis Prager, maybe you will have better understanding of the conservative philosophy.
All despotic societys' philosophies/doctrines promise the people under their rules happiness if they walk the authorities' lines: Nazi Germany under Hitler promised 3,000 years of a great Reich with prosperity and happiness for all if German people observed the Nazi ideology. Communist societies such as China and USSR also promised their people great happiness if they followed the communist and socialist morality of individuals being nothing and the collective being everything. Now the Islamic fundamentalists guarantee their followers if they die for Allah, they will have 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven. Leftists in the West also often promise the poor and the unfortunate that if they vote for a big government, they will have happier lives with no worries.
In Contrast, free societies and the conservative teachings have never promised and will never promise individuals their happiness if they observe the principle of freedom, justice and human dignity. They only make sure that individuals in a free society are truly free - free from others' obstructions and interferences. This is to ensure that one's misery and misfortune do not come from other entities and individuals. And one's happiness will never be the result of others' pity and handouts from government and will always be the result of one's own virtue, character, talent and hard work, and maybe a little luck as well. As a result, proven by empirical evidence, people who treasure freedom will often find their own happiness. And people who dream of happiness as the result of government's benevolence and power elite's sympathy/handout are often the people of great misery and misfortune.
Freedom will NOT always result in an individual's happiness, for freedom entails danger and risk-taking, and most of all, freedom entails personal responsibility. Yet without freedom, one will never have any possibility to be truly happy. No matter how comfortable one is in a cage, fed by some masters who control one's life and destiny, one will never have a chance to find the unique meaning of his own existence, to find his true love and happiness. Only free people can be truly creative, productive and progressive. Only free people can be truly happy with a chance to find true love, personally and professionally.
Yes, indeed, Mao and his cohorts of Chinese communists, despotic Chinese cultural tradition and the Chinese language itself have caused the Chinese individuals a lot of confusion, misery and suffering. But should these entities be also responsible for our happiness? Are they able to give us happiness? Should we expect them to give us happiness? If we have expectations that others, be it an ideology or some people (people in our family or some self-claimed saviors), should promise, provide and guarantee our happiness, does that imply we are ultimately the roots of our own problems and unhappiness by these insidious expectations??
I have sensed now in China there is an emergence of Neo-Nazism and Neo-Collectivism that promise the Chinese people their happiness if they walk the line of self-deception and self-castration. And culture-wise, the Chinese are very vulnerable to such a deceit and confusion. That is part of the reason the Chinese have never accepted the principle of freedom and individual responsibility. They have yet to grasp the truth:
"While one is not always responsible for his own misery and misfortune, one is ultimately always responsible for his own happiness."
I rest my case.
Your Happiness Is On Yourself Alone
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
价值一语: Words of Value:
While not all the time one is responsible for his own misery and misfortune, he is always responsible for his own happiness. --- Dennis Prager
虽然一个人并不总对他自身的不幸与痛苦负责任,他却永远对他的幸福承担全部责任。 --- Dennis Prager
The ones who want to escape from misery and pain will always find excuses/pretenses for their own personal irresponsibility. Only the ones who pursue freedom and happiness will have the courage to take their own individual responsibility for their actions and words. --- Kai Chen
永远逃避痛苦与不幸的人们也会永远为自己的懦弱与胆怯寻找借口与托词。 只有无畏追求自由与幸福的人们才会为自身个体的言论与行为负责任。 --- 陈凯
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 11/14/2006,Reprint 8/4/2011)
Think a little more about the above quote from the conservative talk show host Dennis Prager, maybe you will have better understanding of the conservative philosophy.
All despotic societys' philosophies/doctrines promise the people under their rules happiness if they walk the authorities' lines: Nazi Germany under Hitler promised 3,000 years of a great Reich with prosperity and happiness for all if German people observed the Nazi ideology. Communist societies such as China and USSR also promised their people great happiness if they followed the communist and socialist morality of individuals being nothing and the collective being everything. Now the Islamic fundamentalists guarantee their followers if they die for Allah, they will have 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven. Leftists in the West also often promise the poor and the unfortunate that if they vote for a big government, they will have happier lives with no worries.
In Contrast, free societies and the conservative teachings have never promised and will never promise individuals their happiness if they observe the principle of freedom, justice and human dignity. They only make sure that individuals in a free society are truly free - free from others' obstructions and interferences. This is to ensure that one's misery and misfortune do not come from other entities and individuals. And one's happiness will never be the result of others' pity and handouts from government and will always be the result of one's own virtue, character, talent and hard work, and maybe a little luck as well. As a result, proven by empirical evidence, people who treasure freedom will often find their own happiness. And people who dream of happiness as the result of government's benevolence and power elite's sympathy/handout are often the people of great misery and misfortune.
Freedom will NOT always result in an individual's happiness, for freedom entails danger and risk-taking, and most of all, freedom entails personal responsibility. Yet without freedom, one will never have any possibility to be truly happy. No matter how comfortable one is in a cage, fed by some masters who control one's life and destiny, one will never have a chance to find the unique meaning of his own existence, to find his true love and happiness. Only free people can be truly creative, productive and progressive. Only free people can be truly happy with a chance to find true love, personally and professionally.
Yes, indeed, Mao and his cohorts of Chinese communists, despotic Chinese cultural tradition and the Chinese language itself have caused the Chinese individuals a lot of confusion, misery and suffering. But should these entities be also responsible for our happiness? Are they able to give us happiness? Should we expect them to give us happiness? If we have expectations that others, be it an ideology or some people (people in our family or some self-claimed saviors), should promise, provide and guarantee our happiness, does that imply we are ultimately the roots of our own problems and unhappiness by these insidious expectations??
I have sensed now in China there is an emergence of Neo-Nazism and Neo-Collectivism that promise the Chinese people their happiness if they walk the line of self-deception and self-castration. And culture-wise, the Chinese are very vulnerable to such a deceit and confusion. That is part of the reason the Chinese have never accepted the principle of freedom and individual responsibility. They have yet to grasp the truth:
"While one is not always responsible for his own misery and misfortune, one is ultimately always responsible for his own happiness."
I rest my case.