自由vs.专制 = 记忆vs.失忆 Freedom vs. Tyranny = Memory vs. Amnesia
自由vs.专制 = 记忆vs.失忆 Freedom vs. Tyranny = Memory vs. Amnesia
Kai Chen Interview/Individual Values & Christianity - Part I,II of Four Essentials
视频连锁 Youtube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaZIMggvi0c&feature=youtu.be
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Abandon Your Collective Mindset
"党文化"、"国文化"、"族文化" 对垒 "人文化"、"自由文化"、"价值文化"
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 1/6/2010, Reprint 7/30/2011) www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
世界历史究竟有没有方向? 人类的终极价值是否存在? 个体的人是否有生命的意义? "文化"是否只是基于群体而自由于"价值"而立? "善"是否是价值? "忍"是否是美德? 人做好事是否为了有好报? 道德与伦理/礼的区别在哪儿? 道德行为的动机究竟应该是什么? 宗教信仰是为了逃避苦难与惩罚还是为了追求意义与价值?
对这些至关重要的哲学话题,我已经在我的博客与论坛里(陈凯博客、陈凯论坛 www.kaichenforum.com )有许多的论述。 但当我观察中国人追求的动向与海外自由人士的言论时,我发现"人"、"个体"、"价值"、"自由"仍不能被认同而作为普世终极的追求。 "不做坏事"代替了"追求正义"成了"善"的定义。 "有好报"成了"做好事"的动机。 "容忍不同"与"容忍邪恶"混淆在一起成了所谓"忍"的伪美德。 当人们开始摈弃"党文化"的时候,他们却精心地炮制"国文化"、"族文化"、"群文化"、、。 对这些文化中的本应有的"人"的价值、"个体"的存在于意义、"自由"的理念、"正义"的追求、"尊严"的崇尚人们却置之不问、毫不关心,甚至将这些中国文化中所本来就缺的终极道德价值说成是所谓"西方"的怪癖而予以贬低、甚至摈弃去抬高中国本土所产生的专制伦理/礼。
中国家庭的成员个体行为与对其子女的教育为这种道德价值的虚无奠定了一个极为病态的温床。 "意义虚无"的价值"爱滋病毒"在几乎每一个中国家庭中被用"打亲骂爱"(忠孝节义)的用子女为家族长辈服务作工具的传统方式沿袭继承,甚至发扬光大。 博大精深的专制的"他虐自虐"心态在中国人的家庭中与群体中被"中国文化"的至宝传播到个体与个体间人的关系的习俗准则。 "人"为"国群族"所用作工具奴隶自然就被这种家庭文化投射到社会上成为中国人"生命意义"的准则。 鉴别"人上人"与"人下人"、"强弱内外"、"亲疏中西"、"等级血统"、"君臣父子"、"男女老幼"成了中国文化中的人们运用他们"精明而无智无灵"的头脑的焦点、特质与伪价值的基点。 将在"尿盆里游泳"与"粪池里扒谷"说成是中国人的"自然文化状态",而将"海洋中的探索"与"按自然规律去播种施肥收割"看成是不懂"走捷径"的傻人们的"西方文化"。 无怪乎在中国历史上充斥着贩卖"炼丹术"的骗子去追求"长生不老"而丝毫也没有去发现探求自然规律的无畏的个体。 自古以来"杀富济贫"的共产农民造反成了人们追求致富走捷径的伪道德经济(人们美名这种强盗土匪的逻辑为"革命")。"科学"、"理性"、"信仰"、"资本主义"、"市场经济"、"自由尊严"也自然就成了中国的人们从来没发现过的、至今也没认同的外来语、外来概念。
一个不能被批判分析的文化是一个不能成长进化的文化。 一个"个体价值与意义虚无"的文化只能是一个被专制用来奴役人、奴役人的头脑与灵魂的工具。 我不能想象如果今天的意大利在追求回复"罗马帝国的荣耀"的墨索里尼的统治下会是什么样子。 我可以肯定如果俄国在苏共倒台后的今天仍旧追寻"沙皇帝国"的幻梦,灾难将等待着俄国的人们。 我也可以断言如果在中共倒台之后中国的人们仍旧在道德价值虚无的"强汉盛唐"的迷境中寻找所谓过去的辉煌与骄傲,另一个专制王朝将会使中国的人们陷入难以想象的劫难。
人类的历史是一个基终极价值、基道德方向向前演进的历史。 真实、正义、自由、尊严就是人类历史的道德指南。 将"大江东去浪淘沙"的"久分必合、久合必分"的道德价值虚无的"朝代与强弱"的伪文化与"好死不如赖活着"的懦夫伪价值抛到人类文化的垃圾箱里去,并建立"个体付出代价并承担选择的责任"的"不自由毋宁死"的进步方向性的"存在"的、"人"的、"自由"的新文化是每一个有尊严的自由人的德不容辞的义务。 我只想说: 我首先是一个自由人,而绝不是一个"国人","族人","群体人"。 我想用我的生命追求的是"意义与价值"而不是"文化传统"或"伦理规范"。 我曾经追求过、也正在追求、并永远会追求真实、正义、自由与尊严。 我并不在意他人是否会像我一样追求这些道德的价值,因为我懂得一切从一个人开始,一切从"我"与"自我"开始。
愿一个"真实的、存在的、追求个体生命意义的、崇尚自由尊严的"新文化在我身上开始,在热爱自由的勇敢的中国的人们与世界的人们的生活中传播。 它虽然现在很微弱,但它的生命力是来自上苍的,是永远不会再地球上消失的。 它持续地、激情地搏动着,告知世界上的人们虽然人类的选择会有时而的偏差,但历史是沿着上苍的人的方向性轨迹向前演进的 – 从奴役到自由,从群体到个体,从混乱到清晰,从苦难到幸福,从被动到主动,从绝望到希望。 人类无奈的、无方向的、苦难灾难的、吃人的朝代循环将成为过去。 希望、幸福、欢乐、自由、正义与尊严将在你我身上、在那些完整的人的灵魂中开始一场新的复兴。 "人"- 有尊严的个体,而不是虚无的"人民"将在中国这块大地上,将在世界上站立起来。 你现在就要选择;你现在就要行动;你现在就要付出代价;你现在就要承担责任。 如果你愿意,你现在就可以有尊严,就可以自由。 不要妄期他人与救世主。 不要妄等来世。
Kai Chen Interview/Individual Values & Christianity - Part I,II of Four Essentials
视频连锁 Youtube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaZIMggvi0c&feature=youtu.be
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Abandon Your Collective Mindset
"党文化"、"国文化"、"族文化" 对垒 "人文化"、"自由文化"、"价值文化"
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 1/6/2010, Reprint 7/30/2011) www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
世界历史究竟有没有方向? 人类的终极价值是否存在? 个体的人是否有生命的意义? "文化"是否只是基于群体而自由于"价值"而立? "善"是否是价值? "忍"是否是美德? 人做好事是否为了有好报? 道德与伦理/礼的区别在哪儿? 道德行为的动机究竟应该是什么? 宗教信仰是为了逃避苦难与惩罚还是为了追求意义与价值?
对这些至关重要的哲学话题,我已经在我的博客与论坛里(陈凯博客、陈凯论坛 www.kaichenforum.com )有许多的论述。 但当我观察中国人追求的动向与海外自由人士的言论时,我发现"人"、"个体"、"价值"、"自由"仍不能被认同而作为普世终极的追求。 "不做坏事"代替了"追求正义"成了"善"的定义。 "有好报"成了"做好事"的动机。 "容忍不同"与"容忍邪恶"混淆在一起成了所谓"忍"的伪美德。 当人们开始摈弃"党文化"的时候,他们却精心地炮制"国文化"、"族文化"、"群文化"、、。 对这些文化中的本应有的"人"的价值、"个体"的存在于意义、"自由"的理念、"正义"的追求、"尊严"的崇尚人们却置之不问、毫不关心,甚至将这些中国文化中所本来就缺的终极道德价值说成是所谓"西方"的怪癖而予以贬低、甚至摈弃去抬高中国本土所产生的专制伦理/礼。
中国家庭的成员个体行为与对其子女的教育为这种道德价值的虚无奠定了一个极为病态的温床。 "意义虚无"的价值"爱滋病毒"在几乎每一个中国家庭中被用"打亲骂爱"(忠孝节义)的用子女为家族长辈服务作工具的传统方式沿袭继承,甚至发扬光大。 博大精深的专制的"他虐自虐"心态在中国人的家庭中与群体中被"中国文化"的至宝传播到个体与个体间人的关系的习俗准则。 "人"为"国群族"所用作工具奴隶自然就被这种家庭文化投射到社会上成为中国人"生命意义"的准则。 鉴别"人上人"与"人下人"、"强弱内外"、"亲疏中西"、"等级血统"、"君臣父子"、"男女老幼"成了中国文化中的人们运用他们"精明而无智无灵"的头脑的焦点、特质与伪价值的基点。 将在"尿盆里游泳"与"粪池里扒谷"说成是中国人的"自然文化状态",而将"海洋中的探索"与"按自然规律去播种施肥收割"看成是不懂"走捷径"的傻人们的"西方文化"。 无怪乎在中国历史上充斥着贩卖"炼丹术"的骗子去追求"长生不老"而丝毫也没有去发现探求自然规律的无畏的个体。 自古以来"杀富济贫"的共产农民造反成了人们追求致富走捷径的伪道德经济(人们美名这种强盗土匪的逻辑为"革命")。"科学"、"理性"、"信仰"、"资本主义"、"市场经济"、"自由尊严"也自然就成了中国的人们从来没发现过的、至今也没认同的外来语、外来概念。
一个不能被批判分析的文化是一个不能成长进化的文化。 一个"个体价值与意义虚无"的文化只能是一个被专制用来奴役人、奴役人的头脑与灵魂的工具。 我不能想象如果今天的意大利在追求回复"罗马帝国的荣耀"的墨索里尼的统治下会是什么样子。 我可以肯定如果俄国在苏共倒台后的今天仍旧追寻"沙皇帝国"的幻梦,灾难将等待着俄国的人们。 我也可以断言如果在中共倒台之后中国的人们仍旧在道德价值虚无的"强汉盛唐"的迷境中寻找所谓过去的辉煌与骄傲,另一个专制王朝将会使中国的人们陷入难以想象的劫难。
人类的历史是一个基终极价值、基道德方向向前演进的历史。 真实、正义、自由、尊严就是人类历史的道德指南。 将"大江东去浪淘沙"的"久分必合、久合必分"的道德价值虚无的"朝代与强弱"的伪文化与"好死不如赖活着"的懦夫伪价值抛到人类文化的垃圾箱里去,并建立"个体付出代价并承担选择的责任"的"不自由毋宁死"的进步方向性的"存在"的、"人"的、"自由"的新文化是每一个有尊严的自由人的德不容辞的义务。 我只想说: 我首先是一个自由人,而绝不是一个"国人","族人","群体人"。 我想用我的生命追求的是"意义与价值"而不是"文化传统"或"伦理规范"。 我曾经追求过、也正在追求、并永远会追求真实、正义、自由与尊严。 我并不在意他人是否会像我一样追求这些道德的价值,因为我懂得一切从一个人开始,一切从"我"与"自我"开始。
愿一个"真实的、存在的、追求个体生命意义的、崇尚自由尊严的"新文化在我身上开始,在热爱自由的勇敢的中国的人们与世界的人们的生活中传播。 它虽然现在很微弱,但它的生命力是来自上苍的,是永远不会再地球上消失的。 它持续地、激情地搏动着,告知世界上的人们虽然人类的选择会有时而的偏差,但历史是沿着上苍的人的方向性轨迹向前演进的 – 从奴役到自由,从群体到个体,从混乱到清晰,从苦难到幸福,从被动到主动,从绝望到希望。 人类无奈的、无方向的、苦难灾难的、吃人的朝代循环将成为过去。 希望、幸福、欢乐、自由、正义与尊严将在你我身上、在那些完整的人的灵魂中开始一场新的复兴。 "人"- 有尊严的个体,而不是虚无的"人民"将在中国这块大地上,将在世界上站立起来。 你现在就要选择;你现在就要行动;你现在就要付出代价;你现在就要承担责任。 如果你愿意,你现在就可以有尊严,就可以自由。 不要妄期他人与救世主。 不要妄等来世。
Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles (in Chinese)
Recognizing reality is the prerequisite for seeking truth and building a future. Unless one has the will, the ability and the courage to recognize reality, one will be doomed to live forever in falsehood, therefore eternal despair. --- Kai Chen
承认真实的现状是寻找真理, 创造未来的必要先决条件。 如果一个人没有意愿,能力及勇气去承认真实的现状,他就会永远生活在虚假之中,也因此永远生活在默默的绝望之中。 --- 陈凯
Tolerance of difference is a virtue, but tolerance of evil is the most insidious vice there is on earth. The saddest thing for the Chinese is that they seem to have zero tolerance for difference, but unlimited tolerance for evil. They take the former as a weakness and the latter as a strength and even take pride in their own fear and tolerance toward evil. Such a tendency of moral confusion (a negative culture) can only be defined as corrupt and evil itself. --- Li Bangding (My Father, 1921 - 1988)
容忍不同是一大良德。 容忍邪恶却是一大败坏。 中国的悲哀在于中国人对不同的毫不容忍,而对邪恶的无限怯懦与忍让。 他们还不以为耻、反以为荣地将前者作为软弱,并将后者作为光荣,力量与骄傲。 这样一种道德混乱的文化只能被定义为邪恶与腐败的文化。 --- 李邦定 (陈凯的父亲,生1921 - 逝1988)
我叔叔李邦训-台湾空军英雄 My Uncle's Photo and Squadron Information
歌/刘德华 - "黑蝙蝠中队"视频连锁:
From left to right: My aunt Li Bangqin, my father Li Bangding, my mother Doris Chen, my uncle Li Bangxun (1987, San Francisco)
从左至右: 姑姑李邦琴,父亲李邦定,母亲陈斗娥,叔叔李邦训 (1987年,旧金山)
Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles (in Chinese)
Recognizing reality is the prerequisite for seeking truth and building a future. Unless one has the will, the ability and the courage to recognize reality, one will be doomed to live forever in falsehood, therefore eternal despair. --- Kai Chen
承认真实的现状是寻找真理, 创造未来的必要先决条件。 如果一个人没有意愿,能力及勇气去承认真实的现状,他就会永远生活在虚假之中,也因此永远生活在默默的绝望之中。 --- 陈凯
Tolerance of difference is a virtue, but tolerance of evil is the most insidious vice there is on earth. The saddest thing for the Chinese is that they seem to have zero tolerance for difference, but unlimited tolerance for evil. They take the former as a weakness and the latter as a strength and even take pride in their own fear and tolerance toward evil. Such a tendency of moral confusion (a negative culture) can only be defined as corrupt and evil itself. --- Li Bangding (My Father, 1921 - 1988)
容忍不同是一大良德。 容忍邪恶却是一大败坏。 中国的悲哀在于中国人对不同的毫不容忍,而对邪恶的无限怯懦与忍让。 他们还不以为耻、反以为荣地将前者作为软弱,并将后者作为光荣,力量与骄傲。 这样一种道德混乱的文化只能被定义为邪恶与腐败的文化。 --- 李邦定 (陈凯的父亲,生1921 - 逝1988)
我叔叔李邦训-台湾空军英雄 My Uncle's Photo and Squadron Information
歌/刘德华 - "黑蝙蝠中队"视频连锁:
From left to right: My aunt Li Bangqin, my father Li Bangding, my mother Doris Chen, my uncle Li Bangxun (1987, San Francisco)
从左至右: 姑姑李邦琴,父亲李邦定,母亲陈斗娥,叔叔李邦训 (1987年,旧金山)
陈凯 著 By Kai Chen (Written 4/2/2007, Reprint 9/20/2011
农夫们将自己一生的积蓄带到市场上去购货。 他们想买一件东西来证实他们一生的价值。
市场上卖货的人很多。 他们有不同种族的人们,有不同宗教的人们,有不同文化的人们、、。 他们的货也是多种多样的,五颜六色,五花八门。 农夫们看花了眼,搞不清哪件货值得他们一生的积蓄。 于是农夫们就将注意力集中在卖货人的身上。
最后农夫们决定只从那个长的与他们相近的商人那里买货。 但那个商人的货都是放在一个个四四方方的盒子里的。 谁也看不到盒子里究竟是什么。 商人卖货的唯一条件是买货的人只能在回家以后才能将盒子打开。 商人并让农夫们许诺绝不退货。
农夫们想要知道盒子里到底装了什么,但又不愿从与他们长相不同的商人们哪里买货,即使那些商人们的货品是公开让顾客察看检验的。 农夫们最终决定用他们一生的积蓄去买那些装在盒子里,不能看,不能摸的货。 每一个农夫都将自己一生的积蓄买了一个盒子回家。
当他们回家打开盒子一看的时候,发现盒子里有一个用极为精巧的包装展现的棕色的圆球。 它是潮湿的,拳头大小,有些尚没消化的草叶从中滋出。 一种农夫们非常熟悉的气味从中弥漫出来。 农夫们觉得非常困惑,不知如何鉴定。 只是当他们的孩子们看到后叫出来"驴粪蛋"的时候,他们才恍然大悟。
有的农夫非常愤怒。 但他们已经许诺绝不退货。 他们知道自己受了骗,一生的积蓄已荡然无存。 他们离开了他们的祖地,不断地告诫着他们的后代不要再重犯他们的无知,偏见与愚蠢。 他们决心绝不重蹈覆辙并在新的家园建立新的正义的文化。 他们把那新的家园称之为"美德国度"。
更多的农夫们不光不觉得羞耻与受骗, 他们大骂着他们的后代们并让他们住口。 他们为他们的驴粪蛋起了一个新名称:"黄金蛋"。
他们建立了"黄金蛋"研究所,"黄金蛋"大学,不断地教育,告诫他们的后代们"黄金蛋"的伟大。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它的得来是不易的,是来自农夫们一生的血汗辛劳。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它来自"黄金驴"-- 它披着"黄金甲",食了"黄金草",喝了"黄金河"的水。 他们不知疲倦地,兢兢业业的将他们毕生的精力投入了"黄金文化",有所发明地研究着为什么黄金蛋的光泽是那么亮,黄金蛋的味道是那么美,黄金蛋的气味是那么香,黄金蛋的品质是那么纯,黄金蛋的原由是那么古,黄金蛋的价值是那么高、、。 他们发明了"黄金蛋"文学并书写了一卷又一卷不朽的"黄金卷"及"黄金诗篇",如"黄金游记",黄金演义","黄金浒传","黄金楼梦"、、。 近代的最高的"黄金著作"叫做"黄金选集"。 自然地"黄金主义","黄金思想","黄金理论","黄金原则","黄金坚持","黄金代表","黄金荣耻"都应运而生。 他们称着"黄金帝",舞着"黄金龙",披着"黄金袍",打着"黄金旗",宣扬着"黄金特色"的"黄金主义"。 一批批的"黄金圣人"被一代代的"黄金传人"推上了"黄金祭坛"。 "黄金文化"由此不断发扬光大,一代又一代地千古流传。
那些生活在"美德国度"的人们偶然返回他们的祖地,惊异地发现他们的祖地已经没有了人的存在。 在那满地驴粪蛋的,臭气熏天的大地上,只有大大小小的屎虼螂们兢兢业业的打理着,维护着,建造着驴粪蛋的事业,弘扬着驴粪蛋的文化,唱赞着驴粪蛋的悠久与伟大。
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles (in Chinese and English)
Recognizing reality is the prerequisite for seeking truth and building a future. Unless one has the will, the ability and the courage to recognize reality, one will be doomed to live forever in falsehood, therefore eternal despair. --- Kai Chen
承认真实的现状是寻找真理, 创造未来的必要先决条件。 如果一个人没有意愿,能力及勇气去承认真实的现状,他就会永远生活在虚假之中,也因此永远生活在默默的绝望之中。 --- 陈凯
Tolerance of difference is a virtue, but tolerance of evil is beyond the most insidious vice on earth. The saddest thing for the Chinese is that they seem to have zero tolerance for difference, but unlimited tolerance for evil. They take the former as weakness and the latter as strength. They even take pride in their own fear and tolerance toward evil. Such a tendency for moral confusion can only be defined as corrupt and evil itself. --- Li Bangding (My Father, 1921 - 1988)
容忍不同是一大良德。 容忍邪恶却是一大败坏。 中国的悲哀在于中国人对不同的毫不容忍,而对邪恶的无限怯懦与忍让。 他们还不以为耻、反以为荣地将前者作为软弱,并将后者作为光荣,力量与骄傲。 这样一种道德混乱的文化只能被定义为邪恶与腐败的文化。 --- 李邦定 (陈凯的父亲,生1921 - 逝1988)
Author's Words:
I wrote this fable in Chinese. Now I translate it into English so all can read and enjoy. This is the Chinese story equivalent to the English story "The Emperor's New Clothes". I hope you all enjoy it.
Best wishes to you all and Happy New Year (2011). Kai Chen 陈凯
Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles (in Chinese & English)
陈凯 著 By Kai Chen Written 4/2/2007, Reprint 9/20/2011
Translation into English by Kai Chen 12/28/2010
农夫们将自己一生的积蓄带到市场上去购货。 他们想买一件东西来证实他们一生的价值。
Peasants brought their life savings to the market, wanting to purchase one thing that could demonstrate to the world their lives' worth.
市场上卖货的人很多。 他们有不同种族的人们,有不同宗教的人们,有不同文化的人们、、。 他们的货也是多种多样的,五颜六色,五花八门。 农夫们看花了眼,搞不清哪件货值得他们一生的积蓄。 于是农夫们就将注意力集中在卖货人的身上。
There were many merchants selling their merchandise on the market. All of them were from different places and of different races, cultures and religions. Their goods also reflected this diversity. They were colorful and full of varieties. The peasants had never seen so many goods and they were very excited yet confused and fearful, not knowing what to buy to prove their lives' worth.
最后农夫们决定只从那个长的与他们相近的商人那里买货。 但那个商人的货都是放在一个个四四方方的彩色盒子里的。 谁也看不到盒子里究竟是什么。 商人卖货的唯一条件是买货的人只能在回家以后才能将盒子打开。 商人并让农夫们许诺绝不退货。
After a tortuous hesitation and a long debate, the peasants decided to buy only from those who looked like themselves with similar racial, ethnic and cultural background. However, all such merchants' goods were packaged in colorful square boxes and no one knew what was in them. The merchants had two conditions for all buyers of their goods: First, those who buy their goods must go home before they open their packages. Second, the buyers can never return the goods for refund.
农夫们想要知道盒子里到底装了什么,但又不愿从与他们长相不同的商人们哪里买货,即使那些商人们的货品是公开让顾客察看检验的。 农夫们最终决定用他们一生的积蓄去买那些装在盒子里,不能看,不能摸的货。 每一个农夫都将自己一生的积蓄买了一个盒子回家。
All the peasants wanted to know what was in those colorful boxes. They felt uncertain about buying from the merchants with such conditions. Yet they were much more unwilling to purchase anything from other merchants of different looks and backgrounds, even those merchants' goods were open in the plain sight and everyone was allowed to examine them carefully before they bought them. Overwhelmed by their fear of differences, the peasants finally decided to spend their life savings on those colorful boxes from the merchants of similar looks and backgrounds. Every one of the peasants bought a colorful box and went home.
当他们回家打开盒子一看的时候,发现盒子里有一个用极为精巧的包装展现的棕色的圆球。 它是潮湿的,拳头大小,有些尚没消化的草叶从中滋出。 一种农夫们非常熟悉的气味从中弥漫出来。 农夫们觉得非常困惑,不知如何鉴定。 只是当他们的孩子们看到后叫出来"驴粪蛋"的时候,他们才恍然大悟。
After they returned home, they eagerly opened the boxes. They discovered inside the box there was an exquisitely packaged brown ball. The brown fist-sized ball was moist with some undigested grass sticking out from its surface. A very familiar smell emanated from this brown ball. The peasants were very puzzled, unable to decide what it was that they bought with their life savings. Only when their children yelled out "donkey dung, yak, donkey dung", running away covering their nose, they suddenly understood.
有的农夫非常愤怒。 但他们已经许诺绝不退货。 他们知道自己受了骗,一生的积蓄已荡然无存。 他们离开了他们的祖地,不断地告诫着他们的后代不要再重犯他们的无知,偏见与愚蠢。 他们决心绝不重蹈覆辙并在新的家园建立新的正义的文化。 他们把那新的家园称之为"美德国度"。
Some of the peasants were very angry, knowing they were cheated. But they had already promised never to return what they bought. Their entire live savings were gone and their lives' worth was nowhere to be found. They left their own homeland to start a new life somewhere else, all the time warning and educating their own children not to repeat their own stupidity based on bias and fear of differences. They eventually established a new village with a new culture based on individual virtue, justice, courage and rationality. They named their new village "Land of the Beautiful".
更多的农夫们不光不觉得羞耻与受骗, 他们大骂着他们的后代们并让他们住口。 他们认为如果他们买到的是那么昂贵,那这个货品一定也同样有价值。 他们为他们的驴粪蛋起了一个新名称:"黄金蛋"。
However, most other peasants felt otherwise. They reacted by cursing their own children, calling them names and shutting them up. They reasoned that since they spent their entire life savings on this one thing, it had to be very valuable. So they named their donkey dung "Golden Ball", just to reflect its preciousness.
他们建立了"黄金蛋"研究所,"黄金蛋"大学,不断地教育,告诫他们的后代们"黄金蛋"的伟大。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它的得来是不易的,是来自农夫们一生的血汗辛劳。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它来自"黄金驴"-- 它披着"黄金甲",食了"黄金草",喝了"黄金河"的水。 他们不知疲倦地,兢兢业业的将他们毕生的精力投入了"黄金文化",有所发明地研究着为什么黄金蛋的光泽是那么亮,黄金蛋的味道是那么美,黄金蛋的气味是那么香,黄金蛋的品质是那么纯,黄金蛋的原由是那么古,黄金蛋的价值是那么高、、。 他们发明了"黄金蛋"文学并书写了一卷又一卷不朽的"黄金卷"及"黄金诗篇",如"黄金游记",黄金演义","黄金浒传","黄金楼梦"、、。 近代的最高的"黄金著作"叫做"黄金选集"。 自然地"黄金主义","黄金思想","黄金理论","黄金原则","黄金坚持","黄金代表","黄金荣耻"都应运而生。 他们称着"黄金帝",舞着"黄金龙",披着"黄金袍",打着"黄金旗",宣扬着"黄金特色"的"黄金主义"。 一批批的"黄金圣人"被一代代的"黄金传人"推上了"黄金祭坛"。 "黄金文化"由此不断发扬光大,一代又一代地千古流传。
Later on, they worked even harder to prove the priceless value of donkey dung and hence the value of their lives:
They established all kinds of institutes and universities to educate their offspring about how great the "Golden Ball" was and how valuable it was to all their lives. They told everyone that the Golden Ball's greatness was in its price – the price of so many people's lives and so much hard work. They invented fables, proverbs and folklores to sing in praise of the Golden Ball. They extolled that the Golden Ball was from Golden Donkey – It had Golden Armors on its back. It ate Golden Grass by the Golden River. They wrote many volumes of books to espouse the virtues of Golden Ball Culture. They marketed the Golden Ball with a feverish passion in the world, telling all mankind how beautiful the Golden Ball is, how fragrant the Golden Ball smells, how pure a quality the Golden Ball is if it is from the peasants' homeland, how historical and valuable the Golden Ball is to all mankind in the world….
Their children have learned all about Golden Ball Culture. They have read Golden Poems, Golden Literature Collections from the ancients, Golden Thoughts from the modern saints and saviors, Golden Theories from sages and gods, Golden Principles from Golden Governments, Golden Rules, Golden Morals, Golden Ethics, Golden Characters, Golden Heroes and Martyrs, etc. etc…. They have worshipped Golden Emperors and Golden Chairmen. They have danced with Golden Dragons. They have upheld Golden Flags. They have fortified a Golden Society. They have forged Golden Generations with Golden Characteristics. They have all knelt before the Golden Alta to chant Golden Scriptures….
A Golden Existence thus has been emerged, prolonged and reinforced in the Golden Land, on and on, till eternity.
那些生活在"美德国度"的人们偶然返回他们的祖地,惊异地发现他们的祖地已经没有了人的存在。 在那满地驴粪蛋的,臭气熏天的大地上,只有大大小小的屎虼螂们兢兢业业的打理着,维护着,建造着驴粪蛋的事业,弘扬着驴粪蛋的文化,唱赞着驴粪蛋的悠久与伟大。
After awhile some peasants who live in the Land of the Beautiful returned to their ancestral land for a visit. To their horror, surprise and amazement, they have discovered that in their ancestral land there has long been a total absence of human beings. On the ancient abyss, enveloped with a nauseating stink of donkey dung, countless dung beetles are hard at work managing countless pieces of fresh and stale donkey dung, singing passionately in praise of a culture of excrement from donkeys and dung beetles.
陈凯 著 By Kai Chen (Written 4/2/2007, Reprint 9/20/2011
农夫们将自己一生的积蓄带到市场上去购货。 他们想买一件东西来证实他们一生的价值。
市场上卖货的人很多。 他们有不同种族的人们,有不同宗教的人们,有不同文化的人们、、。 他们的货也是多种多样的,五颜六色,五花八门。 农夫们看花了眼,搞不清哪件货值得他们一生的积蓄。 于是农夫们就将注意力集中在卖货人的身上。
最后农夫们决定只从那个长的与他们相近的商人那里买货。 但那个商人的货都是放在一个个四四方方的盒子里的。 谁也看不到盒子里究竟是什么。 商人卖货的唯一条件是买货的人只能在回家以后才能将盒子打开。 商人并让农夫们许诺绝不退货。
农夫们想要知道盒子里到底装了什么,但又不愿从与他们长相不同的商人们哪里买货,即使那些商人们的货品是公开让顾客察看检验的。 农夫们最终决定用他们一生的积蓄去买那些装在盒子里,不能看,不能摸的货。 每一个农夫都将自己一生的积蓄买了一个盒子回家。
当他们回家打开盒子一看的时候,发现盒子里有一个用极为精巧的包装展现的棕色的圆球。 它是潮湿的,拳头大小,有些尚没消化的草叶从中滋出。 一种农夫们非常熟悉的气味从中弥漫出来。 农夫们觉得非常困惑,不知如何鉴定。 只是当他们的孩子们看到后叫出来"驴粪蛋"的时候,他们才恍然大悟。
有的农夫非常愤怒。 但他们已经许诺绝不退货。 他们知道自己受了骗,一生的积蓄已荡然无存。 他们离开了他们的祖地,不断地告诫着他们的后代不要再重犯他们的无知,偏见与愚蠢。 他们决心绝不重蹈覆辙并在新的家园建立新的正义的文化。 他们把那新的家园称之为"美德国度"。
更多的农夫们不光不觉得羞耻与受骗, 他们大骂着他们的后代们并让他们住口。 他们为他们的驴粪蛋起了一个新名称:"黄金蛋"。
他们建立了"黄金蛋"研究所,"黄金蛋"大学,不断地教育,告诫他们的后代们"黄金蛋"的伟大。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它的得来是不易的,是来自农夫们一生的血汗辛劳。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它来自"黄金驴"-- 它披着"黄金甲",食了"黄金草",喝了"黄金河"的水。 他们不知疲倦地,兢兢业业的将他们毕生的精力投入了"黄金文化",有所发明地研究着为什么黄金蛋的光泽是那么亮,黄金蛋的味道是那么美,黄金蛋的气味是那么香,黄金蛋的品质是那么纯,黄金蛋的原由是那么古,黄金蛋的价值是那么高、、。 他们发明了"黄金蛋"文学并书写了一卷又一卷不朽的"黄金卷"及"黄金诗篇",如"黄金游记",黄金演义","黄金浒传","黄金楼梦"、、。 近代的最高的"黄金著作"叫做"黄金选集"。 自然地"黄金主义","黄金思想","黄金理论","黄金原则","黄金坚持","黄金代表","黄金荣耻"都应运而生。 他们称着"黄金帝",舞着"黄金龙",披着"黄金袍",打着"黄金旗",宣扬着"黄金特色"的"黄金主义"。 一批批的"黄金圣人"被一代代的"黄金传人"推上了"黄金祭坛"。 "黄金文化"由此不断发扬光大,一代又一代地千古流传。
那些生活在"美德国度"的人们偶然返回他们的祖地,惊异地发现他们的祖地已经没有了人的存在。 在那满地驴粪蛋的,臭气熏天的大地上,只有大大小小的屎虼螂们兢兢业业的打理着,维护着,建造着驴粪蛋的事业,弘扬着驴粪蛋的文化,唱赞着驴粪蛋的悠久与伟大。
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles (in Chinese and English)
Recognizing reality is the prerequisite for seeking truth and building a future. Unless one has the will, the ability and the courage to recognize reality, one will be doomed to live forever in falsehood, therefore eternal despair. --- Kai Chen
承认真实的现状是寻找真理, 创造未来的必要先决条件。 如果一个人没有意愿,能力及勇气去承认真实的现状,他就会永远生活在虚假之中,也因此永远生活在默默的绝望之中。 --- 陈凯
Tolerance of difference is a virtue, but tolerance of evil is beyond the most insidious vice on earth. The saddest thing for the Chinese is that they seem to have zero tolerance for difference, but unlimited tolerance for evil. They take the former as weakness and the latter as strength. They even take pride in their own fear and tolerance toward evil. Such a tendency for moral confusion can only be defined as corrupt and evil itself. --- Li Bangding (My Father, 1921 - 1988)
容忍不同是一大良德。 容忍邪恶却是一大败坏。 中国的悲哀在于中国人对不同的毫不容忍,而对邪恶的无限怯懦与忍让。 他们还不以为耻、反以为荣地将前者作为软弱,并将后者作为光荣,力量与骄傲。 这样一种道德混乱的文化只能被定义为邪恶与腐败的文化。 --- 李邦定 (陈凯的父亲,生1921 - 逝1988)
Author's Words:
I wrote this fable in Chinese. Now I translate it into English so all can read and enjoy. This is the Chinese story equivalent to the English story "The Emperor's New Clothes". I hope you all enjoy it.
Best wishes to you all and Happy New Year (2011). Kai Chen 陈凯
Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles (in Chinese & English)
陈凯 著 By Kai Chen Written 4/2/2007, Reprint 9/20/2011
Translation into English by Kai Chen 12/28/2010
农夫们将自己一生的积蓄带到市场上去购货。 他们想买一件东西来证实他们一生的价值。
Peasants brought their life savings to the market, wanting to purchase one thing that could demonstrate to the world their lives' worth.
市场上卖货的人很多。 他们有不同种族的人们,有不同宗教的人们,有不同文化的人们、、。 他们的货也是多种多样的,五颜六色,五花八门。 农夫们看花了眼,搞不清哪件货值得他们一生的积蓄。 于是农夫们就将注意力集中在卖货人的身上。
There were many merchants selling their merchandise on the market. All of them were from different places and of different races, cultures and religions. Their goods also reflected this diversity. They were colorful and full of varieties. The peasants had never seen so many goods and they were very excited yet confused and fearful, not knowing what to buy to prove their lives' worth.
最后农夫们决定只从那个长的与他们相近的商人那里买货。 但那个商人的货都是放在一个个四四方方的彩色盒子里的。 谁也看不到盒子里究竟是什么。 商人卖货的唯一条件是买货的人只能在回家以后才能将盒子打开。 商人并让农夫们许诺绝不退货。
After a tortuous hesitation and a long debate, the peasants decided to buy only from those who looked like themselves with similar racial, ethnic and cultural background. However, all such merchants' goods were packaged in colorful square boxes and no one knew what was in them. The merchants had two conditions for all buyers of their goods: First, those who buy their goods must go home before they open their packages. Second, the buyers can never return the goods for refund.
农夫们想要知道盒子里到底装了什么,但又不愿从与他们长相不同的商人们哪里买货,即使那些商人们的货品是公开让顾客察看检验的。 农夫们最终决定用他们一生的积蓄去买那些装在盒子里,不能看,不能摸的货。 每一个农夫都将自己一生的积蓄买了一个盒子回家。
All the peasants wanted to know what was in those colorful boxes. They felt uncertain about buying from the merchants with such conditions. Yet they were much more unwilling to purchase anything from other merchants of different looks and backgrounds, even those merchants' goods were open in the plain sight and everyone was allowed to examine them carefully before they bought them. Overwhelmed by their fear of differences, the peasants finally decided to spend their life savings on those colorful boxes from the merchants of similar looks and backgrounds. Every one of the peasants bought a colorful box and went home.
当他们回家打开盒子一看的时候,发现盒子里有一个用极为精巧的包装展现的棕色的圆球。 它是潮湿的,拳头大小,有些尚没消化的草叶从中滋出。 一种农夫们非常熟悉的气味从中弥漫出来。 农夫们觉得非常困惑,不知如何鉴定。 只是当他们的孩子们看到后叫出来"驴粪蛋"的时候,他们才恍然大悟。
After they returned home, they eagerly opened the boxes. They discovered inside the box there was an exquisitely packaged brown ball. The brown fist-sized ball was moist with some undigested grass sticking out from its surface. A very familiar smell emanated from this brown ball. The peasants were very puzzled, unable to decide what it was that they bought with their life savings. Only when their children yelled out "donkey dung, yak, donkey dung", running away covering their nose, they suddenly understood.
有的农夫非常愤怒。 但他们已经许诺绝不退货。 他们知道自己受了骗,一生的积蓄已荡然无存。 他们离开了他们的祖地,不断地告诫着他们的后代不要再重犯他们的无知,偏见与愚蠢。 他们决心绝不重蹈覆辙并在新的家园建立新的正义的文化。 他们把那新的家园称之为"美德国度"。
Some of the peasants were very angry, knowing they were cheated. But they had already promised never to return what they bought. Their entire live savings were gone and their lives' worth was nowhere to be found. They left their own homeland to start a new life somewhere else, all the time warning and educating their own children not to repeat their own stupidity based on bias and fear of differences. They eventually established a new village with a new culture based on individual virtue, justice, courage and rationality. They named their new village "Land of the Beautiful".
更多的农夫们不光不觉得羞耻与受骗, 他们大骂着他们的后代们并让他们住口。 他们认为如果他们买到的是那么昂贵,那这个货品一定也同样有价值。 他们为他们的驴粪蛋起了一个新名称:"黄金蛋"。
However, most other peasants felt otherwise. They reacted by cursing their own children, calling them names and shutting them up. They reasoned that since they spent their entire life savings on this one thing, it had to be very valuable. So they named their donkey dung "Golden Ball", just to reflect its preciousness.
他们建立了"黄金蛋"研究所,"黄金蛋"大学,不断地教育,告诫他们的后代们"黄金蛋"的伟大。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它的得来是不易的,是来自农夫们一生的血汗辛劳。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它来自"黄金驴"-- 它披着"黄金甲",食了"黄金草",喝了"黄金河"的水。 他们不知疲倦地,兢兢业业的将他们毕生的精力投入了"黄金文化",有所发明地研究着为什么黄金蛋的光泽是那么亮,黄金蛋的味道是那么美,黄金蛋的气味是那么香,黄金蛋的品质是那么纯,黄金蛋的原由是那么古,黄金蛋的价值是那么高、、。 他们发明了"黄金蛋"文学并书写了一卷又一卷不朽的"黄金卷"及"黄金诗篇",如"黄金游记",黄金演义","黄金浒传","黄金楼梦"、、。 近代的最高的"黄金著作"叫做"黄金选集"。 自然地"黄金主义","黄金思想","黄金理论","黄金原则","黄金坚持","黄金代表","黄金荣耻"都应运而生。 他们称着"黄金帝",舞着"黄金龙",披着"黄金袍",打着"黄金旗",宣扬着"黄金特色"的"黄金主义"。 一批批的"黄金圣人"被一代代的"黄金传人"推上了"黄金祭坛"。 "黄金文化"由此不断发扬光大,一代又一代地千古流传。
Later on, they worked even harder to prove the priceless value of donkey dung and hence the value of their lives:
They established all kinds of institutes and universities to educate their offspring about how great the "Golden Ball" was and how valuable it was to all their lives. They told everyone that the Golden Ball's greatness was in its price – the price of so many people's lives and so much hard work. They invented fables, proverbs and folklores to sing in praise of the Golden Ball. They extolled that the Golden Ball was from Golden Donkey – It had Golden Armors on its back. It ate Golden Grass by the Golden River. They wrote many volumes of books to espouse the virtues of Golden Ball Culture. They marketed the Golden Ball with a feverish passion in the world, telling all mankind how beautiful the Golden Ball is, how fragrant the Golden Ball smells, how pure a quality the Golden Ball is if it is from the peasants' homeland, how historical and valuable the Golden Ball is to all mankind in the world….
Their children have learned all about Golden Ball Culture. They have read Golden Poems, Golden Literature Collections from the ancients, Golden Thoughts from the modern saints and saviors, Golden Theories from sages and gods, Golden Principles from Golden Governments, Golden Rules, Golden Morals, Golden Ethics, Golden Characters, Golden Heroes and Martyrs, etc. etc…. They have worshipped Golden Emperors and Golden Chairmen. They have danced with Golden Dragons. They have upheld Golden Flags. They have fortified a Golden Society. They have forged Golden Generations with Golden Characteristics. They have all knelt before the Golden Alta to chant Golden Scriptures….
A Golden Existence thus has been emerged, prolonged and reinforced in the Golden Land, on and on, till eternity.
那些生活在"美德国度"的人们偶然返回他们的祖地,惊异地发现他们的祖地已经没有了人的存在。 在那满地驴粪蛋的,臭气熏天的大地上,只有大大小小的屎虼螂们兢兢业业的打理着,维护着,建造着驴粪蛋的事业,弘扬着驴粪蛋的文化,唱赞着驴粪蛋的悠久与伟大。
After awhile some peasants who live in the Land of the Beautiful returned to their ancestral land for a visit. To their horror, surprise and amazement, they have discovered that in their ancestral land there has long been a total absence of human beings. On the ancient abyss, enveloped with a nauseating stink of donkey dung, countless dung beetles are hard at work managing countless pieces of fresh and stale donkey dung, singing passionately in praise of a culture of excrement from donkeys and dung beetles.
The Virtue of Being Self
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 5/29/2006, Reprint 4/22/2011)
- 个人价值是资本主义道德社会的伟大基点 -
陈凯 著 5/23/2006 Reprint: 4/22/2011
春光明媚,鲜花盛开。蜜蜂忙碌在花丛中。 这世界充满了无限生机。
花不为蜜蜂所开放,只为自身的繁衍展其艳丽,生蜜吐粉。 蜜蜂并不为花采蜜拢粉,只为自身的生息健康。 人并不为花,为蜜蜂而种花养蜂,只为自身的精神与躯体的享受。 但在这神秘的美妙的"为己"的天理中,花借蜂传宗,蜂借花充腹,人借花与蜂得到精神与生理的享受。 多么明智的安排! 多么逻辑的理念! 多么道德的自然! 上苍用他神力之手勾画着一幅五彩多姿的图案,编制着、谱写着一曲壮观动听的生命的交响乐。
价值在为己中产生。 道德在为己中呈现。 生命在为己中释放着无穷的绚丽斑斓。
是什么把这美好的一切在那罪恶的非人的社会中排斥,贬辍与颠倒了呢? 是那丑陋的,肮脏的与败坏的"公"字。
"私" 在一切专制政体中,在一切社会主义国度中,尤其在非人的中国一直是不道德的同义词。 在这反人,非人,虐人的专制制度中,一切"公"的都被称之为好的;一切"私"的都被指控为坏的。 想一想那些与"私"相连的词汇吧:
自私,私有,私人,私心,隐私,私有制,私有财产,私利,私欲、、。任何与私有关的似乎都是罪恶的,不道德的。 不光是"私"字,与"私"有关的一切字,词也都带有肮脏的,罪恶的,不道德的贬义。 个人,个人利益,个体经济,个人主义,个人兴趣,个人自由,各自为政,自我,自发,自负盈亏,自己负责,自主自立,自生自灭,自尊心,资本主义,资本积累,资产阶级、、。
怪诞的但逻辑的是: 在所有专制社会,社会主义政体中,尤其是在中国,"公"字被捧上了天,成为了"上帝"的同义语。 "政府"与"国"也都被"公"字带上了天,成为了满天飞的"圣牛"。 谁要是动了它谁就有罪。
在这"公"的挡箭牌之下,谁都可以假公真私,以公谋私,借公行私。 在这"公"的挡屁帘之下,谁都可以随地大小便。 在这"公"的圣名之下,谁都可以侵犯他人,偷取他人价值,掠夺他人物质与精神财富。 难得糊涂的人们把这罪责归为"私欲"与"私心"。 有灵有智有逻辑之人不难看到,事实正与中国人的伪政治,伪道德,伪国家的伪逻辑相反: 这些邪恶与罪孽正是"无私"与"公德"的必然产物。
私欲是上苍所予的客观所有。 没有私欲人便不能生存繁衍。 不能大小便的人是不正常的病人。大小便的生理功能是客观的无价值取向的正常人的必然。 将这种生理必然如:吃、喝、拉、撒、睡、行、性等价值化,将其视为"私"去贬,去排,去耻,去灭是道德沦丧的政,国,党,群的邪恶的写照与定义。 今天在"无私","贬私","辱私","灭私"的"公"的中国,"人"已成为贬义存在,成为政府的包袱,国家的负担,民族的耻辱,环境的污染而被压,被辱,被奸,被灭。 这一切的暴行都在那崇高的,神圣的"公有利益"之下被那些不敢称之有私的"无私之人"视而不见","听而不闻"。
"毫不利己,专门利人"的"无我"的卖身奴才和卖灵娼妓,如雷锋,成了中国人伪价值,伪道德的典范被人们永世传扬。 不敢为自身争利益,争权利的懦夫胆小鬼成了中国党政的无价之宝和权力靠山。 这不只是中国专制压抑的结果,也是中国人自制的伪道德的,名为"公"的枷锁桎梏的产物。
无私便无我;无私便无人;无私便无责;无私便无法;无私便无理,无私便无智,无私便无爱;无私便无情;无私便无灵;无私便无在,无私便无创造、、。 无私的人是奴,无私的人是鬼;无私的人是邪恶之源;无私的人是虚无的行尸走肉、、。 无私是无道德的定义。
中国的伪道德指"私"为"损人利己"。 殊不知逻辑的必然是"损人者绝利不了己","利己者也决不去损人"。 这才是真实的来自上苍的道德法则。 上苍用他那全能的力量与人不所知的方式永远惩罚着那些自身不产生价值,而靠骗,靠偷,靠抢的损人者的。 这些自欺的,精明而无智惠的蠢人们自以为损人便是利己的;他们永远也不懂得损人是害己,灭己的开始。 世界上所有的专制者们,包括中共王朝与所有支撑那王朝的人们都是以损人,害人,杀人开始的,他们也一定以损己,害己,灭己而告终。 这是自然与上苍的法则。 理性逻辑也不为损人奠基。 随地大小便的人们给自己造成了生病,传病的途径;将垃圾倒在邻居的院子里也不是"为己"的明智人之举。利用人与损害人的人为自己造成了恶劣的生存环境。他防人,怕人,躲人,永远阉割了自己欢乐,幸福的可能。 今天中国的现实状况不就是这些损人损己,害人害己的精明的,"无私"的,无灵无智的"公民","公人"的自制自造的真实写照吗!?
"私"人是对自身诚实的人。 他首先面对的不是他人,不是群体,不是政府,不是国家,不是强权、、。 他首先面对的是他自己,是上苍。 他虔诚的对待自己,如同他虔诚的对待上苍一样。 他决不会欺骗自己,由此他也决不想欺骗他人。 他面对真实的,上苍赐予他的灵魂,赐予他的一切。 他真诚的照看着他的灵魂,他的智慧,他的感情,他的躯体。 他不光对此不感到内疚,他对他的真诚的照看感到骄傲与自豪。 他将守护着他的灵魂的纯洁;他将保持他智慧的敏锐;他将维系他情感的高尚;他将照料他躯体的健康。 他深知他的一切是上苍赐予的,他对这一切不光有权利去拥有,有权利去享受,他也有德不容辞,理不容辞的义务去保卫这一切。 他坚守着他的"私有"。 他深知没有"私"他便没有自由的基点,没有"私"他只能成为"公"的附属和奴仆,没有"私"他将失去他的灵,他的智,他的权,他的值,他的爱,他会失去所有属于他的、也是上苍赐予他的一切。
只有在"公"的价值体系中才会有"牺牲"的伪道德。 在中国的专制的社会中到处充满了"被牺牲"与"自我牺牲"的群体的"牺牲品"。 在那伪道德的神坛上面,活着的和死了的"牺牲品"充斥着那虚无的祭坛,祭奠着那虚伪的"公"的价值。 牺牲的定义只能是用大的价值换取小的价值,否则何谓牺牲?这个内在矛盾的字眼只能在"公"的价值中产生并被伪用。 在"私"的价值体系和"私"的人们中,只有真实的"奉献",没有虚伪的"牺牲",因为任何的奉献都是自发的,自由的,自愿的,无强制的举动。 如果我舍命,舍身去救我所爱,我一定将我所爱作为比我命,我身更重,更大的价值。 如因我死而救得我所爱,那是我的宽慰,是以小得大。 这才是真正的道德,属于上苍的永恒的道德。
在"公"有社会中,所有的道德都是虚的,伪的,空的,假的。 "公"有的丑恶,肮脏的现象也逻辑的应运而生: 公有的厕所是最臭的;公有的饭馆是最脏的;公有的银行是最不负责,也是最危险的存资场所;公有的学校教育质量最差;公共交通最拥挤;公有企业最不盈利;公费医疗最要命;公有制最腐败;公有的"为他者"最虚假;共产国家最邪恶。
在"公"的旗帜下,个人是不被承认的可有可无。 个人的兴趣,利益是被"公"的群体任意践踏,强奸的玩物。 在"公"的文化里,本属"私人"的领域如:个人健康,个人财经,个人感情,个人爱好,个人性生活,性取向,个人家庭,生育,都成了公共财产,都成了"公"鬼们娱乐的源材。 人的尊严被"公"者抛到"公"厕的粪坑中,任意蹂躏,百般玩弄,调戏,直到所有的"私"人都变成了"公"鬼。 在"公"鬼的社会中,工作是被他鬼指定的,婚姻是被他鬼安排的,口味是被他鬼调教的,兴趣是被他鬼养成的,鬼格是被他鬼塑造的,鬼身是被他鬼喂养的。 "公"鬼们的唯一死存目的就是要消灭所有"私"人们的生存。
这就是"公"的罪恶。 这就是"私"的美德。
真正的政治家的唯一目标是将政治在社会中限制在最小的范围内。真正自由人的国度是将"公"基于"私",附于"私",限于"私"。 真正自由的人们是将"私"法律化,制度化,道德化。 只有具有"私"的高尚道德情怀的人才是人类历史前进的动力,才是生命与创造的无尽源泉。 铲除"公"的邪恶,埋葬"公"的罪孽,是所有"私"人的理不容辞,德不容辞的义务。
这"天下"既不归"帝",也不附"国",更不为"公"。 这"天下"是"人"的,是属于上苍的"人"的。
The Virtue of Being Self
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 5/29/2006, Reprint 4/22/2011)
- 个人价值是资本主义道德社会的伟大基点 -
陈凯 著 5/23/2006 Reprint: 4/22/2011
春光明媚,鲜花盛开。蜜蜂忙碌在花丛中。 这世界充满了无限生机。
花不为蜜蜂所开放,只为自身的繁衍展其艳丽,生蜜吐粉。 蜜蜂并不为花采蜜拢粉,只为自身的生息健康。 人并不为花,为蜜蜂而种花养蜂,只为自身的精神与躯体的享受。 但在这神秘的美妙的"为己"的天理中,花借蜂传宗,蜂借花充腹,人借花与蜂得到精神与生理的享受。 多么明智的安排! 多么逻辑的理念! 多么道德的自然! 上苍用他神力之手勾画着一幅五彩多姿的图案,编制着、谱写着一曲壮观动听的生命的交响乐。
价值在为己中产生。 道德在为己中呈现。 生命在为己中释放着无穷的绚丽斑斓。
是什么把这美好的一切在那罪恶的非人的社会中排斥,贬辍与颠倒了呢? 是那丑陋的,肮脏的与败坏的"公"字。
"私" 在一切专制政体中,在一切社会主义国度中,尤其在非人的中国一直是不道德的同义词。 在这反人,非人,虐人的专制制度中,一切"公"的都被称之为好的;一切"私"的都被指控为坏的。 想一想那些与"私"相连的词汇吧:
自私,私有,私人,私心,隐私,私有制,私有财产,私利,私欲、、。任何与私有关的似乎都是罪恶的,不道德的。 不光是"私"字,与"私"有关的一切字,词也都带有肮脏的,罪恶的,不道德的贬义。 个人,个人利益,个体经济,个人主义,个人兴趣,个人自由,各自为政,自我,自发,自负盈亏,自己负责,自主自立,自生自灭,自尊心,资本主义,资本积累,资产阶级、、。
怪诞的但逻辑的是: 在所有专制社会,社会主义政体中,尤其是在中国,"公"字被捧上了天,成为了"上帝"的同义语。 "政府"与"国"也都被"公"字带上了天,成为了满天飞的"圣牛"。 谁要是动了它谁就有罪。
在这"公"的挡箭牌之下,谁都可以假公真私,以公谋私,借公行私。 在这"公"的挡屁帘之下,谁都可以随地大小便。 在这"公"的圣名之下,谁都可以侵犯他人,偷取他人价值,掠夺他人物质与精神财富。 难得糊涂的人们把这罪责归为"私欲"与"私心"。 有灵有智有逻辑之人不难看到,事实正与中国人的伪政治,伪道德,伪国家的伪逻辑相反: 这些邪恶与罪孽正是"无私"与"公德"的必然产物。
私欲是上苍所予的客观所有。 没有私欲人便不能生存繁衍。 不能大小便的人是不正常的病人。大小便的生理功能是客观的无价值取向的正常人的必然。 将这种生理必然如:吃、喝、拉、撒、睡、行、性等价值化,将其视为"私"去贬,去排,去耻,去灭是道德沦丧的政,国,党,群的邪恶的写照与定义。 今天在"无私","贬私","辱私","灭私"的"公"的中国,"人"已成为贬义存在,成为政府的包袱,国家的负担,民族的耻辱,环境的污染而被压,被辱,被奸,被灭。 这一切的暴行都在那崇高的,神圣的"公有利益"之下被那些不敢称之有私的"无私之人"视而不见","听而不闻"。
"毫不利己,专门利人"的"无我"的卖身奴才和卖灵娼妓,如雷锋,成了中国人伪价值,伪道德的典范被人们永世传扬。 不敢为自身争利益,争权利的懦夫胆小鬼成了中国党政的无价之宝和权力靠山。 这不只是中国专制压抑的结果,也是中国人自制的伪道德的,名为"公"的枷锁桎梏的产物。
无私便无我;无私便无人;无私便无责;无私便无法;无私便无理,无私便无智,无私便无爱;无私便无情;无私便无灵;无私便无在,无私便无创造、、。 无私的人是奴,无私的人是鬼;无私的人是邪恶之源;无私的人是虚无的行尸走肉、、。 无私是无道德的定义。
中国的伪道德指"私"为"损人利己"。 殊不知逻辑的必然是"损人者绝利不了己","利己者也决不去损人"。 这才是真实的来自上苍的道德法则。 上苍用他那全能的力量与人不所知的方式永远惩罚着那些自身不产生价值,而靠骗,靠偷,靠抢的损人者的。 这些自欺的,精明而无智惠的蠢人们自以为损人便是利己的;他们永远也不懂得损人是害己,灭己的开始。 世界上所有的专制者们,包括中共王朝与所有支撑那王朝的人们都是以损人,害人,杀人开始的,他们也一定以损己,害己,灭己而告终。 这是自然与上苍的法则。 理性逻辑也不为损人奠基。 随地大小便的人们给自己造成了生病,传病的途径;将垃圾倒在邻居的院子里也不是"为己"的明智人之举。利用人与损害人的人为自己造成了恶劣的生存环境。他防人,怕人,躲人,永远阉割了自己欢乐,幸福的可能。 今天中国的现实状况不就是这些损人损己,害人害己的精明的,"无私"的,无灵无智的"公民","公人"的自制自造的真实写照吗!?
"私"人是对自身诚实的人。 他首先面对的不是他人,不是群体,不是政府,不是国家,不是强权、、。 他首先面对的是他自己,是上苍。 他虔诚的对待自己,如同他虔诚的对待上苍一样。 他决不会欺骗自己,由此他也决不想欺骗他人。 他面对真实的,上苍赐予他的灵魂,赐予他的一切。 他真诚的照看着他的灵魂,他的智慧,他的感情,他的躯体。 他不光对此不感到内疚,他对他的真诚的照看感到骄傲与自豪。 他将守护着他的灵魂的纯洁;他将保持他智慧的敏锐;他将维系他情感的高尚;他将照料他躯体的健康。 他深知他的一切是上苍赐予的,他对这一切不光有权利去拥有,有权利去享受,他也有德不容辞,理不容辞的义务去保卫这一切。 他坚守着他的"私有"。 他深知没有"私"他便没有自由的基点,没有"私"他只能成为"公"的附属和奴仆,没有"私"他将失去他的灵,他的智,他的权,他的值,他的爱,他会失去所有属于他的、也是上苍赐予他的一切。
只有在"公"的价值体系中才会有"牺牲"的伪道德。 在中国的专制的社会中到处充满了"被牺牲"与"自我牺牲"的群体的"牺牲品"。 在那伪道德的神坛上面,活着的和死了的"牺牲品"充斥着那虚无的祭坛,祭奠着那虚伪的"公"的价值。 牺牲的定义只能是用大的价值换取小的价值,否则何谓牺牲?这个内在矛盾的字眼只能在"公"的价值中产生并被伪用。 在"私"的价值体系和"私"的人们中,只有真实的"奉献",没有虚伪的"牺牲",因为任何的奉献都是自发的,自由的,自愿的,无强制的举动。 如果我舍命,舍身去救我所爱,我一定将我所爱作为比我命,我身更重,更大的价值。 如因我死而救得我所爱,那是我的宽慰,是以小得大。 这才是真正的道德,属于上苍的永恒的道德。
在"公"有社会中,所有的道德都是虚的,伪的,空的,假的。 "公"有的丑恶,肮脏的现象也逻辑的应运而生: 公有的厕所是最臭的;公有的饭馆是最脏的;公有的银行是最不负责,也是最危险的存资场所;公有的学校教育质量最差;公共交通最拥挤;公有企业最不盈利;公费医疗最要命;公有制最腐败;公有的"为他者"最虚假;共产国家最邪恶。
在"公"的旗帜下,个人是不被承认的可有可无。 个人的兴趣,利益是被"公"的群体任意践踏,强奸的玩物。 在"公"的文化里,本属"私人"的领域如:个人健康,个人财经,个人感情,个人爱好,个人性生活,性取向,个人家庭,生育,都成了公共财产,都成了"公"鬼们娱乐的源材。 人的尊严被"公"者抛到"公"厕的粪坑中,任意蹂躏,百般玩弄,调戏,直到所有的"私"人都变成了"公"鬼。 在"公"鬼的社会中,工作是被他鬼指定的,婚姻是被他鬼安排的,口味是被他鬼调教的,兴趣是被他鬼养成的,鬼格是被他鬼塑造的,鬼身是被他鬼喂养的。 "公"鬼们的唯一死存目的就是要消灭所有"私"人们的生存。
这就是"公"的罪恶。 这就是"私"的美德。
真正的政治家的唯一目标是将政治在社会中限制在最小的范围内。真正自由人的国度是将"公"基于"私",附于"私",限于"私"。 真正自由的人们是将"私"法律化,制度化,道德化。 只有具有"私"的高尚道德情怀的人才是人类历史前进的动力,才是生命与创造的无尽源泉。 铲除"公"的邪恶,埋葬"公"的罪孽,是所有"私"人的理不容辞,德不容辞的义务。
这"天下"既不归"帝",也不附"国",更不为"公"。 这"天下"是"人"的,是属于上苍的"人"的。
价值一语:Words of Value:
存在者用他的灵魂,理性与自知给自己的生命赋义定义。 他注重实质与内在。 他常问的是: 我应是什么,我应做什么,我生命的意义在哪。 他的上苍就是他的良知。 虚无者则相反。 他只用他的肉体,迷茫与他人印象(面子)给自己的生命赋义定义。 他只注重表象与数量。 他常问的是: 这是否对我有利,他人对我如何,我是否得罪了谁。 他的上苍就是多数群体与强权。 --- 陈凯
A human being uses his soul, reason and self-awareness to define his own life. He stresses substance and essence of existence. He often asks: What am I? Who am I? What should I be? What should I do? What is the meaning of my life? His God is his own conscience. A human non-being will be the opposite. He only uses his flesh, his confusion and others', mainly majority's opinion (face) to define his own life. He stresses physical satisfaction, appearances and quantity of life and possessions. He often asks whether or not he can take advantage of others' weaknesses, how others view him, and whether or not he has offended anyone. His God is the majority in the collective, and the ultimate power to control others. --- Kai Chen
一个是自己肉体奴隶的人不可能是一个自由人。 --- Seneca: Epistolae Ad Lucilium, XCII
No man is free who is a slave to the flesh. --- Seneca: Epistolae Ad Lucilium, XCII
灵智肉 - 存在vs.虚无
To Be or Not To Be, Existence vs. Nothingness
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 10/8/2006, Reprint 9/26/2011)
Above quotes are intended to further clarify the terms I often use in my essays and writing -- Existence or Nothingness, Being or Non-being, To be or Not to be... Unless we often ask ourselves these fundamental questions about life and existence, we are in danger of falling into the abyss of nihilism and meaninglessness. If China can ever have a meaning for its existence, it is up to you, the individuals to find meaning in your own life, and with it China can start to have hope and meaningful existence. It is the individuals who give meaning to a nation, NOT the opposite.
Next month, there will be a reunion of the former members of the August 1st Basketball Team (八一篮球队)in Nanjing. Some of my former teammates will go back to attend the reunion. But I have no intention to go back for such an occasion. The reason is simple: I don't want to waste my time in Nothingness and the nihilistic mumble jumbles. And I don't want to use my presence to verify or solidify some nihilistic non-existence.
Many of my former colleagues, in their fifties and sixties, have already started to look back in their lives for a little past glory and warmth. In other words, they are already giving up on life and wait for their own deaths with their remaining breaths, maybe find some fake respect from others because of their old age. I pity them, for I have just started an entire new chapter of my life in America: My two daughters will be soon on their own, independent to seek their own lives' meaning. I will be embarking on a new journey to fulfill my own life. It is a very exciting time and I can't wait to find what is in store for me on my journey. I will always look forward to new episodes of my life and new challenges in my life, and maybe only in my deathbed I will turn my head to look back. I am pretty sure that I will be smiling at what I have done in my life, with my life, and immersing myself with a profound sense of serenity and satisfaction: I have never wasted my life.
Have you noticed how different the Chinese restaurants arrange their own seating for diners from that in Western restaurants? In a Chinese restaurant, seating is arranged with more than two people, while in a Western restaurant, seating is arranged mainly for two. Have you contemplated why? Does this manner of seating reflect what I have just talked about in my quote in the beginning -- existence or nothingness??
When two people talk, they tend to reveal something substantive in their lives to each other, something that matter to them as individuals. But if you have a crowd of more than two, you will find that the conversation is usually small talks, nothing substantive. Is this just "cultural"? Or is this a fundamental contrast of a culture of Existence against a culture of Nothingness?
I can list many such "cultural phenomena" to illustrate my point of "existence vs. nothingness". I hope you can also start to notice such essential contrast.
"To be or Not to be?" This is the fundamental issue in a person's life. Shakespeare and many Western literature giants had often asked this question in their works. I have still yet to find many Chinese starting to ask themselves this substantive question. Why not start now if you haven't?!
存在者用他的灵魂,理性与自知给自己的生命赋义定义。 他注重实质与内在。 他常问的是: 我应是什么,我应做什么,我生命的意义在哪。 他的上苍就是他的良知。 虚无者则相反。 他只用他的肉体,迷茫与他人印象(面子)给自己的生命赋义定义。 他只注重表象与数量。 他常问的是: 这是否对我有利,他人对我如何,我是否得罪了谁。 他的上苍就是多数群体与强权。 --- 陈凯
A human being uses his soul, reason and self-awareness to define his own life. He stresses substance and essence of existence. He often asks: What am I? Who am I? What should I be? What should I do? What is the meaning of my life? His God is his own conscience. A human non-being will be the opposite. He only uses his flesh, his confusion and others', mainly majority's opinion (face) to define his own life. He stresses physical satisfaction, appearances and quantity of life and possessions. He often asks whether or not he can take advantage of others' weaknesses, how others view him, and whether or not he has offended anyone. His God is the majority in the collective, and the ultimate power to control others. --- Kai Chen
一个是自己肉体奴隶的人不可能是一个自由人。 --- Seneca: Epistolae Ad Lucilium, XCII
No man is free who is a slave to the flesh. --- Seneca: Epistolae Ad Lucilium, XCII
灵智肉 - 存在vs.虚无
To Be or Not To Be, Existence vs. Nothingness
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 10/8/2006, Reprint 9/26/2011)
Above quotes are intended to further clarify the terms I often use in my essays and writing -- Existence or Nothingness, Being or Non-being, To be or Not to be... Unless we often ask ourselves these fundamental questions about life and existence, we are in danger of falling into the abyss of nihilism and meaninglessness. If China can ever have a meaning for its existence, it is up to you, the individuals to find meaning in your own life, and with it China can start to have hope and meaningful existence. It is the individuals who give meaning to a nation, NOT the opposite.
Next month, there will be a reunion of the former members of the August 1st Basketball Team (八一篮球队)in Nanjing. Some of my former teammates will go back to attend the reunion. But I have no intention to go back for such an occasion. The reason is simple: I don't want to waste my time in Nothingness and the nihilistic mumble jumbles. And I don't want to use my presence to verify or solidify some nihilistic non-existence.
Many of my former colleagues, in their fifties and sixties, have already started to look back in their lives for a little past glory and warmth. In other words, they are already giving up on life and wait for their own deaths with their remaining breaths, maybe find some fake respect from others because of their old age. I pity them, for I have just started an entire new chapter of my life in America: My two daughters will be soon on their own, independent to seek their own lives' meaning. I will be embarking on a new journey to fulfill my own life. It is a very exciting time and I can't wait to find what is in store for me on my journey. I will always look forward to new episodes of my life and new challenges in my life, and maybe only in my deathbed I will turn my head to look back. I am pretty sure that I will be smiling at what I have done in my life, with my life, and immersing myself with a profound sense of serenity and satisfaction: I have never wasted my life.
Have you noticed how different the Chinese restaurants arrange their own seating for diners from that in Western restaurants? In a Chinese restaurant, seating is arranged with more than two people, while in a Western restaurant, seating is arranged mainly for two. Have you contemplated why? Does this manner of seating reflect what I have just talked about in my quote in the beginning -- existence or nothingness??
When two people talk, they tend to reveal something substantive in their lives to each other, something that matter to them as individuals. But if you have a crowd of more than two, you will find that the conversation is usually small talks, nothing substantive. Is this just "cultural"? Or is this a fundamental contrast of a culture of Existence against a culture of Nothingness?
I can list many such "cultural phenomena" to illustrate my point of "existence vs. nothingness". I hope you can also start to notice such essential contrast.
"To be or Not to be?" This is the fundamental issue in a person's life. Shakespeare and many Western literature giants had often asked this question in their works. I have still yet to find many Chinese starting to ask themselves this substantive question. Why not start now if you haven't?!
"人民"、"大家"、、-- 浸满专制剧毒的俗用语
"Human People","Big Family"? - Poisons/Narcotics
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 2/18/2010, Reprint 7/29/2011)
关于中文本身的弊病及其固有的专制虚无的性质,我已在"从文字笼罐到文字狱" ( http://www.kaichenforum.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5410 ) 一文中作了阐述。 每一次当我在自己的脑中从英文语言系思维(阅读)转入中文语言系思维(阅读)的时候,我都有一种从真实的存在消失在虚无幻梦中的感觉。 由此我仔细地思考了这种感觉从何而来并对中文词汇中浸满专制剧毒的大众俗用语做了进一步的分析。 我的结论是中文系统的人们必须对中文的专制常用语有深刻的自省与评判。 他们必须选择去尽量避免使用那些浸满剧毒的专制中文俗用词汇,并尽可能地创造选用那些毒素较少的中文词汇 (一个暂时的缓解毒素的方法)。
好意的人们曾将美国的"独立宣言"翻译成中文,试图去正面影响那些仍在理念与灵魂中被专制绑架的人们。 但他们(翻译者)竟然对自身的被中文的专制与虚无性绑架的真实状态毫无所知、毫无自省。 不求"真"、不认"真"、无神崇祖、用宏大虚无逃避自由与个体责任的中文系的人们竟将"All men are created equal"胡乱翻译成"人人生而平等"。 无怪乎专制共产在中国有着肥沃的语言土壤。"All men are created equal"相对真实一些的中文翻译应是"所有人被创而平等"。 但去进入真实的美国精神意味着一个人必须首先进入信仰基督(神)的精神。 相信"进化论"(We are born equal or We are evolved equal)的人们、 无神崇祖的人们是无法进入真实的美国自由精神的,也因此无法理解自由、人、个体、尊严与生命的意义的真谛的。 安. 兰德的"Atlas Shrugged"被中文系的人们直译成了表象的"阿特拉斯耸耸肩"而完全丧失了"无奈大力神"的本意。 我更不敢想象当那些不知中文本身专制虚无性质的人们在翻译"圣经"与其他西方的著作的时候会出什么样的荒唐的反义的理解与领悟了。 我只知道说中文的教堂与说英文的教堂有着本质的区别: 在中文的教堂中人们常常为自己祈祷更好一些的物质肉体的存活与社会地位的提升。 在英文教堂中人们则为自身的美德与灵魂所祈祷。
"人民"--- "人"与"民"是在哲学与字义上说是属于截然不同的两个范畴: "人"一字在中文中就已经被混淆扭曲了。 它的哲学属性与它的物理属性在中文中被搅在一起成为虚无(我曾在"从'人'字看中国专制价值与奴役制文化" http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2009/01/21/a248804.html 一文中阐述过此观点)。 在这个唯一描述"Human"的中文象形文字中,人已被物化了。 但"人民"中的人本应该是一个哲学意义文字基其个体的属性。 "民"则应是一个群体属性的客观描述字 – 中性而无价值意义。 英文中"people"(无价值中性字)是"individual"的多数 – 个体为本、群体为虚。 英文用具有复数单数的动词去阐述复数单数的名词以使概念清晰化。 英文系的人们也就因英文语言本身的定义与清晰特质不会(并拒绝与避免)将虚无的群体词汇作为不可分的单元。 而中文的动词并没有此特性并因此从基点上混淆了"个体的本"与"群体的虚"。 虚无的群体在病态中文里成了"不可分"的基原本位。 "以民压人","以群压个","以 多压少","以强压弱"则是由中文专制属性而来的必然结果。 中国的人们由此永远认为群体是永恒的与强大的,个体是无奈的、无意义的和被群体定义的。 每一个在中国受辱、受迫害、受奴役的人也在这个病态的语系与对人的变态理解中,不知不觉地成为了自己祖语的最大最终的受害者与害人者。 "人民"在今日的中共党奴朝成了满天飞的"圣牛"也就不足为怪了。
建议: 请用"人们"、"人"、"民众"等毒素较少的词字替代剧毒的"人民"。
"大家" --- 这是一个在中文系中人们最常俗用的浸满剧毒的专制词汇。 "Big Family"是中文系中编造出来的供个体逃避、掩藏实质与责任的独有伪概念。 将所有的人用"大家"笼罩在一个专制的屋檐之下是今天中国的人们进入不了"真实、正义、自由、尊严"的普世永恒的人的价值的重要原因之一。 今天的台湾居然有众多的人们认为"统一"的"大家"比"自由"的"分家"更重要就是一个中文系语言病态的实例。
建议: 请用毒素较少的"各位"、"各位好"去取代剧毒的"大家"、"大家好"。
"中国" --- 剧毒的专制伪概念: "中国五千年"是弥天大谎。 "中国"的伪专制概念只有近百年的历史。 "中"所意味的"中央"是"朝拜进贡"的"族群沙文主义"的毒发明。 "中"所意味的"中庸、中间"则是中文系中人们不辨真假、不知好坏、不鉴是非的道德虚无、毫无正义感的源头。 所谓的"中国"以前是朝代的无穷轮替,现在则是"中共党奴王朝"的苟延残喘。 "中国"从来也不曾是"国Nation",今天更不是。 一个"国"(A Nation)一定要有一个被所在民众认可合法的、有基道德理性的政府的、有人的尊严的社会。 今日的亚洲大陆不存在这样一个政体。 用枪杆子、暴力、杀人、囚禁去威逼人作奴的王朝根本就不能称为"国",更不要说"共和"。 (注:"中"的象形图像实际是一个原地打转、永不向前行的陀螺。)
建议: 请用"支那王朝"和"中共党奴朝"的毒素较少的重组词汇取代剧毒的"中国"。 (我本人也从此尽可能不用"中国"一词。)
"民族" --- 另一个专制中文编造的剧毒词汇: "People Race"是一个英文系中的人们会费解的伪词汇。 这是因为"种族"的恶毒内涵实质是要被专制政治的洗脑机器用"人民"的圣牛美化并遮盖起来去麻痹、蒙骗人的灵智的。 事实是: 谁进入"民族"的伪概念,谁就是专制的维系者与御用者。
建议: 请用"种族"、"族群"、"民众"等毒素较少的词汇取代剧毒的"民族"。
"国家"--- "Nation Family"的伪概念来自腐儒的"君臣父子"的"父母官"与"子民"的腐朽剧毒的专制理念。 进入"国家"伪词汇与概念,"人"就成了永远长不大,站不起来的、叼着专制奶头吸奴奶的奴才。 "Parental Government – Nanny State"保姆政府是对自由与人的尊严的反动。 难怪"不花钱的午餐"与"好政府"和"大救星"是几乎所有中文系的人们所共同向往的。 "完美的专制"也就此成了中国奴的最终理想。
建议: 请用毒素较少的"国度"取代剧毒的"国家"。
"国人" --- 剧毒的专制奴性词汇: 人被上苍(神)所创而非被"国"所限、所奴、所定义。 在自由中每个个体首先属于生命创始者与自我而绝非属于任何"国"、"群"、"族"、"祖"、"家"、、。
建议: 直呼人名或用"人们"、"民众"的毒素较少的词汇取代剧毒的"国人"。
"同胞" --- 剧毒的"血缘论"、"血统论"词汇: 同样肤色的人并不一定有血缘关系。 "同胞"一词是打压人的人性的、只重亲缘祖宗的反价值伪词汇。 我可以有原因尊重热爱那些值得我尊重热爱的人,不论他们的种族、血缘、肤色有什么不同。 我没有理由(责任、义务)首先要考虑服务那些与我同宗、同语、肤色相近的人。
建议: 请用"亚裔人"、"华语系人"等毒素较少的表达取代剧毒的"同胞"。
专制剧毒的词汇与翻译语多不胜数: 如"白宫"本应翻为"白宅"、"上帝"本应翻为"上苍或神"、"原罪"本应翻为"原弊"、"总统"本应翻为"主持人"等等、等等、、。
我只希望中文系的人们在运用中文专制病语撰文、交流的时候意识到中文本身的弊病与专制(表象与虚无)的本质。 试图改变中文是徒劳无义的。 用英文替代中文成为人们追求真实、正义、自由与尊严的工具是理不容辞、德不容辞的必然。 中文本身只能作为艺术(NBA的职蓝球员常把中文字刺在身上作为美观装饰)或人类语言发展的研究进入人类语言的博物馆,而决不能作为人们前行走向未来与希望、建立并传播终极价值的法律、科学、经济、财政与教育的载体。 望人们在写作、会话、交流时三思后再用词用语。
"Human People","Big Family"? - Poisons/Narcotics
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 2/18/2010, Reprint 7/29/2011)
关于中文本身的弊病及其固有的专制虚无的性质,我已在"从文字笼罐到文字狱" ( http://www.kaichenforum.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5410 ) 一文中作了阐述。 每一次当我在自己的脑中从英文语言系思维(阅读)转入中文语言系思维(阅读)的时候,我都有一种从真实的存在消失在虚无幻梦中的感觉。 由此我仔细地思考了这种感觉从何而来并对中文词汇中浸满专制剧毒的大众俗用语做了进一步的分析。 我的结论是中文系统的人们必须对中文的专制常用语有深刻的自省与评判。 他们必须选择去尽量避免使用那些浸满剧毒的专制中文俗用词汇,并尽可能地创造选用那些毒素较少的中文词汇 (一个暂时的缓解毒素的方法)。
好意的人们曾将美国的"独立宣言"翻译成中文,试图去正面影响那些仍在理念与灵魂中被专制绑架的人们。 但他们(翻译者)竟然对自身的被中文的专制与虚无性绑架的真实状态毫无所知、毫无自省。 不求"真"、不认"真"、无神崇祖、用宏大虚无逃避自由与个体责任的中文系的人们竟将"All men are created equal"胡乱翻译成"人人生而平等"。 无怪乎专制共产在中国有着肥沃的语言土壤。"All men are created equal"相对真实一些的中文翻译应是"所有人被创而平等"。 但去进入真实的美国精神意味着一个人必须首先进入信仰基督(神)的精神。 相信"进化论"(We are born equal or We are evolved equal)的人们、 无神崇祖的人们是无法进入真实的美国自由精神的,也因此无法理解自由、人、个体、尊严与生命的意义的真谛的。 安. 兰德的"Atlas Shrugged"被中文系的人们直译成了表象的"阿特拉斯耸耸肩"而完全丧失了"无奈大力神"的本意。 我更不敢想象当那些不知中文本身专制虚无性质的人们在翻译"圣经"与其他西方的著作的时候会出什么样的荒唐的反义的理解与领悟了。 我只知道说中文的教堂与说英文的教堂有着本质的区别: 在中文的教堂中人们常常为自己祈祷更好一些的物质肉体的存活与社会地位的提升。 在英文教堂中人们则为自身的美德与灵魂所祈祷。
"人民"--- "人"与"民"是在哲学与字义上说是属于截然不同的两个范畴: "人"一字在中文中就已经被混淆扭曲了。 它的哲学属性与它的物理属性在中文中被搅在一起成为虚无(我曾在"从'人'字看中国专制价值与奴役制文化" http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2009/01/21/a248804.html 一文中阐述过此观点)。 在这个唯一描述"Human"的中文象形文字中,人已被物化了。 但"人民"中的人本应该是一个哲学意义文字基其个体的属性。 "民"则应是一个群体属性的客观描述字 – 中性而无价值意义。 英文中"people"(无价值中性字)是"individual"的多数 – 个体为本、群体为虚。 英文用具有复数单数的动词去阐述复数单数的名词以使概念清晰化。 英文系的人们也就因英文语言本身的定义与清晰特质不会(并拒绝与避免)将虚无的群体词汇作为不可分的单元。 而中文的动词并没有此特性并因此从基点上混淆了"个体的本"与"群体的虚"。 虚无的群体在病态中文里成了"不可分"的基原本位。 "以民压人","以群压个","以 多压少","以强压弱"则是由中文专制属性而来的必然结果。 中国的人们由此永远认为群体是永恒的与强大的,个体是无奈的、无意义的和被群体定义的。 每一个在中国受辱、受迫害、受奴役的人也在这个病态的语系与对人的变态理解中,不知不觉地成为了自己祖语的最大最终的受害者与害人者。 "人民"在今日的中共党奴朝成了满天飞的"圣牛"也就不足为怪了。
建议: 请用"人们"、"人"、"民众"等毒素较少的词字替代剧毒的"人民"。
"大家" --- 这是一个在中文系中人们最常俗用的浸满剧毒的专制词汇。 "Big Family"是中文系中编造出来的供个体逃避、掩藏实质与责任的独有伪概念。 将所有的人用"大家"笼罩在一个专制的屋檐之下是今天中国的人们进入不了"真实、正义、自由、尊严"的普世永恒的人的价值的重要原因之一。 今天的台湾居然有众多的人们认为"统一"的"大家"比"自由"的"分家"更重要就是一个中文系语言病态的实例。
建议: 请用毒素较少的"各位"、"各位好"去取代剧毒的"大家"、"大家好"。
"中国" --- 剧毒的专制伪概念: "中国五千年"是弥天大谎。 "中国"的伪专制概念只有近百年的历史。 "中"所意味的"中央"是"朝拜进贡"的"族群沙文主义"的毒发明。 "中"所意味的"中庸、中间"则是中文系中人们不辨真假、不知好坏、不鉴是非的道德虚无、毫无正义感的源头。 所谓的"中国"以前是朝代的无穷轮替,现在则是"中共党奴王朝"的苟延残喘。 "中国"从来也不曾是"国Nation",今天更不是。 一个"国"(A Nation)一定要有一个被所在民众认可合法的、有基道德理性的政府的、有人的尊严的社会。 今日的亚洲大陆不存在这样一个政体。 用枪杆子、暴力、杀人、囚禁去威逼人作奴的王朝根本就不能称为"国",更不要说"共和"。 (注:"中"的象形图像实际是一个原地打转、永不向前行的陀螺。)
建议: 请用"支那王朝"和"中共党奴朝"的毒素较少的重组词汇取代剧毒的"中国"。 (我本人也从此尽可能不用"中国"一词。)
"民族" --- 另一个专制中文编造的剧毒词汇: "People Race"是一个英文系中的人们会费解的伪词汇。 这是因为"种族"的恶毒内涵实质是要被专制政治的洗脑机器用"人民"的圣牛美化并遮盖起来去麻痹、蒙骗人的灵智的。 事实是: 谁进入"民族"的伪概念,谁就是专制的维系者与御用者。
建议: 请用"种族"、"族群"、"民众"等毒素较少的词汇取代剧毒的"民族"。
"国家"--- "Nation Family"的伪概念来自腐儒的"君臣父子"的"父母官"与"子民"的腐朽剧毒的专制理念。 进入"国家"伪词汇与概念,"人"就成了永远长不大,站不起来的、叼着专制奶头吸奴奶的奴才。 "Parental Government – Nanny State"保姆政府是对自由与人的尊严的反动。 难怪"不花钱的午餐"与"好政府"和"大救星"是几乎所有中文系的人们所共同向往的。 "完美的专制"也就此成了中国奴的最终理想。
建议: 请用毒素较少的"国度"取代剧毒的"国家"。
"国人" --- 剧毒的专制奴性词汇: 人被上苍(神)所创而非被"国"所限、所奴、所定义。 在自由中每个个体首先属于生命创始者与自我而绝非属于任何"国"、"群"、"族"、"祖"、"家"、、。
建议: 直呼人名或用"人们"、"民众"的毒素较少的词汇取代剧毒的"国人"。
"同胞" --- 剧毒的"血缘论"、"血统论"词汇: 同样肤色的人并不一定有血缘关系。 "同胞"一词是打压人的人性的、只重亲缘祖宗的反价值伪词汇。 我可以有原因尊重热爱那些值得我尊重热爱的人,不论他们的种族、血缘、肤色有什么不同。 我没有理由(责任、义务)首先要考虑服务那些与我同宗、同语、肤色相近的人。
建议: 请用"亚裔人"、"华语系人"等毒素较少的表达取代剧毒的"同胞"。
专制剧毒的词汇与翻译语多不胜数: 如"白宫"本应翻为"白宅"、"上帝"本应翻为"上苍或神"、"原罪"本应翻为"原弊"、"总统"本应翻为"主持人"等等、等等、、。
我只希望中文系的人们在运用中文专制病语撰文、交流的时候意识到中文本身的弊病与专制(表象与虚无)的本质。 试图改变中文是徒劳无义的。 用英文替代中文成为人们追求真实、正义、自由与尊严的工具是理不容辞、德不容辞的必然。 中文本身只能作为艺术(NBA的职蓝球员常把中文字刺在身上作为美观装饰)或人类语言发展的研究进入人类语言的博物馆,而决不能作为人们前行走向未来与希望、建立并传播终极价值的法律、科学、经济、财政与教育的载体。 望人们在写作、会话、交流时三思后再用词用语。
Equality Before God, Not Men/Government
The Chinese Perversion of "Equality"
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
价值一语 Words of Value:
Every human soul is of infinite value, eternal, free; no human being, therefore, is so placed as not to have within his reach, in himself and others, objects adequate to infinite endeavor. --- Arthur J Balfour
每一个人的灵魂都有着无限的价值; 它是永恒的与自由的。 由此而言,人没有理由不在他自身与他人身上找到足够的力量与勇气去进行永恒的努力与拼搏。 --- Aerthur J Bafour
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 8/12/2006, Reprint 8/24/2011)
"Equality" is probably the most misunderstood and misconceived word in our modern time. I often find those who put equality on the very top of their agenda/priorities as either leftists or some kind power-mongers with pathological drive to dominate others. They simply misuse and mal-use equality as some ultimate value to gain power for themselves and to numb the masses' mind.
Let's take the part in American Declaration of Independence as an example:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. They are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness."
In this quote you may have noticed that "Equality" is never among the rights of human beings. Equality is merely a fact taken as one human faculty/feature before God. In short, we Do Not pursue equality, we ARE equal. In this sense, we are equal as human beings before our creator - God, and we are equal before the law as citizens of a free country. That is all.
"Liberty, equality and fraternity" had been presented in the French revolution as values/motto, but in America, equality has never been presented as a value. Martin Luther King in his famous "I have a dream" speech, only shouted out loud in the end: "Thanks God Almighty, we are Free at last!" (Not "Equal at last".)
In China with its hierarchical social structure and Confucian culture, there is no such concept as God/Creator, thus equality among human beings has never entered into the Chinese consciousness, not to mention the values of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Yet after the communists took over, they prompt equality as the only/ultimate value they pursue - That is, equality in human property and wealth, not Liberty and Justice for all. In other words, the Chinese have always been obsessed with equalizing possessions among the masses. In the end, human beings are diminished/materialized into something less than human: They are only sub-humans equal only in their poverty and despair, as those in all socialist/communist societies. As Winston Churchill once put: "Capitalism is unequal distribution of wealth. Socialism is equal distribution of poverty/misery."
Beside in front of God and the Law, are we truly equal as humans? The answer is definitely negative. Only just societies result in Inequality in human wealth and possessions. And only free societies allow humans to pursue different individual interests to fulfill their lives' meaning according to what God has endowed them -- ability, effort, talent, interests, drive, ambition, luck....
If Yao Ming were to pursue gymnastics and Mike Tyson to pursue basketball, they would both have failed, for they failed to discover the talents God had endowed upon them in order for they to excel in life. Yet, it is FREEDOM that allows us to discover who we truly are. It is up to us, the free individuals, to find out the meaning of our lives and to fulfill them according to God's moral law.
People are never equal in ability and talent when they are born. This is exactly what nature and God intended, for without such "Inequality", human progress would be impossible. There has to be someone to first discover certain truths; there has to be someone to first break some records; there has to be someone to first attempt some endeavors by taking certain risks.... Think what a boring and colorless world it would be without some humans to first do things others have never dreamt of or have never attempted due to a lack of courage, conviction and ability. The country I was born into -- China was, is and has always been such a place of a ultimate boredom. It is a country that only exists in space, not Time, for it has never progressed.
Yet, China is one country that is obsessed with equalizing incomes/possessions among the people in society. "Income gap" between rich and poor has become the most fashionable word and an obsession in today's Chinese society. Even after the capitalism has saved the Chinese economy, people somehow still feel guilty about getting ahead of others, still feel afraid of the phrases such as "self-actualization", "self-discovery" and "self-fulfillment". They simply still see capitalism as a necessary evil. Leftists in the West are also obsessed with equal distribution of wealth in society, without an iota of concern about "creating the wealth" in society by maximizing liberty for each individual. Misery is the only logical and necessary result of all the socialist ideologies centered on "equality of income/wealth".
So "equality of opportunity" is actually a misnomer, for opportunity only implies freedom. The so called "equality before the starting line" is a deceptive and misleading concept, adopted by many Chinese nowadays. They are obsessed with "equality before the starting line" and "equality at the end line". They have yet to realize that they are all barking the wrong tree.
No one is born with ability and talent exactly equal to another. Therefore, in a free market and just society, no one should be equal in his or her achievements with any other. As a necessary result, their own reward should definitely NOT be equal. This is why in America, for example in NBA, you have such title/award as the "Most Valuable Player", for in a just and free society, people recognize that someone's contribution to certain causes and professions is more than others. There is simply no such thing as equality before the starting line, for starting line itself implies government artificially replacing God as the judge of individual values. That is what I call "evil". "Freedom of opportunity", NOT "Equality of opportunity" is the true state of a just society.
To artificially belittle the great and elevate the small and mediocre is a sure way toward self-defeat and creation of a meaningless, nihilistic/boring society. To recognize the great as great and the small as small is to tell the truth, to follow God. Hence, I hereby truthfully declare:
"I am only equal with others before God as a human being. And I am only equal with others before the law as a citizen of the United States. Besides that, I am not equal, and not willing to be equal with my fellow individuals. I value only self-fulfillment and will feel no guilt whatsoever and no shame wherever it may take me."
Equality Before God, Not Men/Government
The Chinese Perversion of "Equality"
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
价值一语 Words of Value:
Every human soul is of infinite value, eternal, free; no human being, therefore, is so placed as not to have within his reach, in himself and others, objects adequate to infinite endeavor. --- Arthur J Balfour
每一个人的灵魂都有着无限的价值; 它是永恒的与自由的。 由此而言,人没有理由不在他自身与他人身上找到足够的力量与勇气去进行永恒的努力与拼搏。 --- Aerthur J Bafour
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 8/12/2006, Reprint 8/24/2011)
"Equality" is probably the most misunderstood and misconceived word in our modern time. I often find those who put equality on the very top of their agenda/priorities as either leftists or some kind power-mongers with pathological drive to dominate others. They simply misuse and mal-use equality as some ultimate value to gain power for themselves and to numb the masses' mind.
Let's take the part in American Declaration of Independence as an example:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. They are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness."
In this quote you may have noticed that "Equality" is never among the rights of human beings. Equality is merely a fact taken as one human faculty/feature before God. In short, we Do Not pursue equality, we ARE equal. In this sense, we are equal as human beings before our creator - God, and we are equal before the law as citizens of a free country. That is all.
"Liberty, equality and fraternity" had been presented in the French revolution as values/motto, but in America, equality has never been presented as a value. Martin Luther King in his famous "I have a dream" speech, only shouted out loud in the end: "Thanks God Almighty, we are Free at last!" (Not "Equal at last".)
In China with its hierarchical social structure and Confucian culture, there is no such concept as God/Creator, thus equality among human beings has never entered into the Chinese consciousness, not to mention the values of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Yet after the communists took over, they prompt equality as the only/ultimate value they pursue - That is, equality in human property and wealth, not Liberty and Justice for all. In other words, the Chinese have always been obsessed with equalizing possessions among the masses. In the end, human beings are diminished/materialized into something less than human: They are only sub-humans equal only in their poverty and despair, as those in all socialist/communist societies. As Winston Churchill once put: "Capitalism is unequal distribution of wealth. Socialism is equal distribution of poverty/misery."
Beside in front of God and the Law, are we truly equal as humans? The answer is definitely negative. Only just societies result in Inequality in human wealth and possessions. And only free societies allow humans to pursue different individual interests to fulfill their lives' meaning according to what God has endowed them -- ability, effort, talent, interests, drive, ambition, luck....
If Yao Ming were to pursue gymnastics and Mike Tyson to pursue basketball, they would both have failed, for they failed to discover the talents God had endowed upon them in order for they to excel in life. Yet, it is FREEDOM that allows us to discover who we truly are. It is up to us, the free individuals, to find out the meaning of our lives and to fulfill them according to God's moral law.
People are never equal in ability and talent when they are born. This is exactly what nature and God intended, for without such "Inequality", human progress would be impossible. There has to be someone to first discover certain truths; there has to be someone to first break some records; there has to be someone to first attempt some endeavors by taking certain risks.... Think what a boring and colorless world it would be without some humans to first do things others have never dreamt of or have never attempted due to a lack of courage, conviction and ability. The country I was born into -- China was, is and has always been such a place of a ultimate boredom. It is a country that only exists in space, not Time, for it has never progressed.
Yet, China is one country that is obsessed with equalizing incomes/possessions among the people in society. "Income gap" between rich and poor has become the most fashionable word and an obsession in today's Chinese society. Even after the capitalism has saved the Chinese economy, people somehow still feel guilty about getting ahead of others, still feel afraid of the phrases such as "self-actualization", "self-discovery" and "self-fulfillment". They simply still see capitalism as a necessary evil. Leftists in the West are also obsessed with equal distribution of wealth in society, without an iota of concern about "creating the wealth" in society by maximizing liberty for each individual. Misery is the only logical and necessary result of all the socialist ideologies centered on "equality of income/wealth".
So "equality of opportunity" is actually a misnomer, for opportunity only implies freedom. The so called "equality before the starting line" is a deceptive and misleading concept, adopted by many Chinese nowadays. They are obsessed with "equality before the starting line" and "equality at the end line". They have yet to realize that they are all barking the wrong tree.
No one is born with ability and talent exactly equal to another. Therefore, in a free market and just society, no one should be equal in his or her achievements with any other. As a necessary result, their own reward should definitely NOT be equal. This is why in America, for example in NBA, you have such title/award as the "Most Valuable Player", for in a just and free society, people recognize that someone's contribution to certain causes and professions is more than others. There is simply no such thing as equality before the starting line, for starting line itself implies government artificially replacing God as the judge of individual values. That is what I call "evil". "Freedom of opportunity", NOT "Equality of opportunity" is the true state of a just society.
To artificially belittle the great and elevate the small and mediocre is a sure way toward self-defeat and creation of a meaningless, nihilistic/boring society. To recognize the great as great and the small as small is to tell the truth, to follow God. Hence, I hereby truthfully declare:
"I am only equal with others before God as a human being. And I am only equal with others before the law as a citizen of the United States. Besides that, I am not equal, and not willing to be equal with my fellow individuals. I value only self-fulfillment and will feel no guilt whatsoever and no shame wherever it may take me."
Kai Chen Interview/Corruption in China's Sports
中国足协反赌扫黑 评举国体制下难遏制图
February 19, 2013 @ 5:24 pm · Filed under 禁网新闻
免翻 墙 直连本站: http://tiny.cc/meyarw
Kai Chen Interview/Corruption in China's Sports
中国足协反赌扫黑 评举国体制下难遏制图
February 19, 2013 @ 5:24 pm · Filed under 禁网新闻
免翻 墙 直连本站: http://tiny.cc/meyarw