Kai Chen Forum/Blog 陈凯论坛/博客 林书豪 vs.姚明 = 自由人vs. 族群人

Kai Chen Forum/Blog 陈凯论坛/博客 

最佳社会四大要素:个体价值/基督精神/联邦宪政/英文语言 Four Essentials for the Best Society

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陈凯访谈/社会主义的危害  Kai Chen Interview/Socialism – A Clear and Present Danger

Wednesday, January 13,  2010

Four Essentials for  the Best Society

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese"  Series

陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:


纵观世界,美国是人类历史上最自由,最进步,最繁荣,最道德,最具有活力与创造力的人的社会。  个体主义与个体价值,基督精神与终极道德感,联邦宪政与小政府大社会,英文作为法律教育科学的最佳用语是美国社会的四大要素。  世界上其它社会有的只有这四大要素的某些部分,如欧洲的大部分社会,亚洲的一些社会。 中国社会则根本没有任何的这些要素。  世界上人和社会的进步程度也都取决于它们在多大程度上与意愿上试图取得这四大要素。

If you study all the societies  in the world, you will find that America is the freest, the most progressive,  the most prosperous, the most ethical, the most lively and the most creative and  productive country on earth. Individualism with God-given rights to life,  liberty and pursuit of happiness, Christianity with awareness of existence of  moral absolutes, constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited  government, and English language as the communication tool used in law,  education and sciences are the four essentials for all the achievements in  American society. In comparison or contrast with other parts of the world, some  such as those in Europe and some in Asia only have parts of the four elements.  Others like China have none. Not surprisingly, the degree of freedom,  prosperity, creativity and productivity, and the speed of progress of all the  societies in the world vary according to whether or not any particular country  has and is willing to acquire these four essentials. 


by Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 2009, Reprint 8/8/2011)

* Individualism with God-given rights for each to  pursue life, liberty and happiness

* Christianity with awareness of  existence of moral absolutes

* Constitutional federalism founded on the  principle of limited government

* English language as the communication  tool used in law, education and sciences

I list these four essentials of a progressive society  for all of you to ponder and examine. Those societies who measure up to these  four fundamental elements are those who are doing well and progressing toward a  better tomorrow. Those who do not measure up or those who reject these four  essentials are those societies mired in stagnation and perpetual turmoil. They  are going nowhere and they are going down the drain.

Let us examine  these four essentials for a society's positive direction toward progress: 

1. Individualism with God-given rights for each to  pursue life, liberty and happiness:

On this 50th anniversary of publication of Ayn Rand's  "Atlas Shrugged", we will remind ourselves that Ayn Rand, like almost everyone  in America, was an immigrant from Russia. She, much like Copernicus and Galileo  in the realm of physical science, pointed out that in the realm of morality and  human society it is the individual, NOT the society or any collective, that is  the fountainhead of creativity and productivity. It is the individual, NOT the  collective, that is the sun where the energy is produced and emitted. A society  thus must be revolving around the individual, not the other way around. Hence,  without this correct awareness of the objective reality, any society will never  progress for it will suppress the very source of the energy and creativity. 

2. Christianity with awareness of existence of moral  absolutes

To interpret Ayn  Rand's works mistakenly by injecting moral-relativism is a common mistake among  the liberals and the American left. Absolute power, not truth, thus becomes the  focal point of contention with the liberals and the left in large, much like the  socialists and communists anywhere else in the world. America is never a nation  with NO God like a communist country. America is never a nation OF God like a  theocracy. America is a nation UNDER God, not men. Christianity thus establishes  the moral foundation of America. The origin of life, the origin of  consciousness, the origin of morality thus are explained via a life\freedom  -affirming, happiness\joy oriented belief. Freedom will triumph over tyranny;  truth will triumph over falsehood; life will triumph over death; good will  triumph over evil; progress will triumph over stagnation; joy and happiness will  triumph over misery and suffering…. By focusing on today's human behavior  under a moral compass, a better tomorrow becomes a goal and possibility. Hope is  thus instilled and inculcated into the human psyche.

3.  Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government

Separation of power, a  government of the people, by the people and for the people, inner checks and  balances and the principle of limited government all mark the American style  constitutional federalism. Presidential election, not a parliamentary system  with a prime minister, ensures a constant element of change and innovation in  governmental reform and policy initiatives. Thus American society is endowed  with a rare vitality and risk-taking innovations. Constant but limited human  experiment by the government to ensure a freer society is thus implemented via a  written constitution. Stagnation and rigidity hence are diminished. Small  government and big society with powerful individuals are ensured. 

4. English language as the communication tool used in  law, education and sciences

Compared with other languages, English language lacks  the rigidity and complexity which often constitute barriers in educating a  society's population. It often has Latin roots, Greek roots, German roots,  French roots…. It has no human restrictions put on it in its constant  evolution and development, not like some other European languages such as  French. English language is simple to use, free to create, and easy to  understand. The best legal, literal and scientific minds of human history had  mostly been written in English. And English-speaking countries lead the world in  all the aspects of human endeavors. English language as a tool to conceptualize  and interpret natural and human phenomena has greatly contributed to the history  of human progress. Failure to recognize the contribution of the English language  is to deny the simple fact and the truth all together.

The four  essentials I list here are essentials for any human society to progress toward  hope and a better tomorrow. I hope all of you think deeper into this issue and  post your own opinions here on my forum.

林书豪  vs.姚明 = 自由人vs. 族群人 Jeremy Lin vs. Yao Ming 林书豪作为一个自由人的影响早已压倒了姚明作为一个制度与族群的产物的宣传

Jeremy Lin as  a free being has already overwhelmed Yao Min as an enslaved man 

"自由人" vs. "中国人"序列 "Free Beings" vs. "Chinese"  Series

By Kai Chen 陈凯 2/21/2012 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

自从林书豪在NBA的优异表现冲击了美国篮坛与世界舆论以来,我接受了来自多方位的媒体采访。  许多西方的媒体基于"政治正确"的左派倾向在采访中想用一些少数人的种族主义评论把我引入族群的争议。  一些在美的华裔政客们也想借美国少数人对林书豪的病态负面的评论为自己拉政治稻草。  但最让我反胃恶心的是大多数的华裔人士也都将林书豪作为种族、祖裔、中国专制文化的产物来为虚无的个体找认同,似乎林书豪的肤色与他家庭的来历是他取得成就的原因。  殊不知,林书豪的真正意义是在于"他是一个美国人,他是一个自由人"。 他的成就并不是"因为"他是一个亚裔人,而是"尽管"他是一个亚裔人。 (Jeremy  Lin's achievement is NOT "because" he is of Asian descendent, but "despite" he  is of Asian descendent.)

林书豪的故事绝不是一个什么"亚裔人/中国人/台湾人/族群人"的故事。  林书豪的故事是一个"美国人/自由人/有信仰的人"的故事。  林书豪的故事是一个在自由世界中个体用自身的天才,努力,信念,勇气与自由意志战胜群体的无知,击败种族的偏见,冲破环境的限制,打碎人的"默默的绝望"的、充满激情与希望的"自由人"的故事。  当一位记者采访我的时候 ,她竭尽所能想用"族裔"来定位林书豪的成就。 我只是用"1+1=2"的常识逻辑向她说: 

 "如果你认为其他人不应该用林书豪的肤色与家族背景来贬低他的话,你为什么要用林书豪的肤色与家族背景来抬高他呢? 难道这不是一回事儿吗?" 

 当所有人,时常会是他的亲友们(不只是他的有种族主义倾向的怀疑者们),不相信林书豪的时候,林书豪本人并没有丧失自己对篮球的热爱,并没有丧失对自身与上苍的信念。  这难道不是他的故事的本质吗?!  当林书豪在令人难以忍受的困境之中,在眼泪、内心的挣扎中,在怀疑与失败的痛苦中,在族群的偏见与无知中愤然/奋然挺起、冲破障碍、取得成功时,他并没有因为得志得意而放弃自己的操守、信念与自省。  这难道不是他的故事的本质吗?!  当林书豪向世界证实"人绝非环境、族群、历史、贫富、文化背景、家族祖宗的产物"而是"个体的自由意志、对神的信仰、不懈的努力,勇气与毅力的自由的精灵"的时候,你难道不认为这才是林书豪的真实自我,这才是林书豪的真实故事的本质吗? 

 易建联曾自供:"林书豪付出得到了回报,我的付出没有得到回报。" 言外之意是我的命/运气不好。 殊不知,"求回报而付出/做好事求好报"正说明一个人没有真实的热爱与信仰,正说明易建联并不真正热爱篮球而是想从篮球中强取/偷取/骗取那些并不在自我认同/热爱中,也绝不是因为自我认同而产生的价值。 正是因为这些"中国奴"没有真实的热爱与信仰,他们可能会有因偷/抢/骗而得到的钱,而绝不会有因热爱与信仰而得到的真实幸福与对不懈意义追求的满足感。

中共党朝的官方媒体早就借各种渠道放出风来,说什么"林书豪永远不会有姚明的成就与影响",说什么"林书豪还需要时间来证实他的实力与价值"。  一个被奴役制洗脑左右的人是绝不会懂得林书豪与姚明之间的根本对差的: 林书豪是一个自由人。  姚明是一个被奴役的非自由人(即使连他也懂得把自己的女儿生在美国成为一个美国人的重要。)。 林书豪是一个用自己的信念与品质击败了无知、偏见、怯懦与自我怀疑的人。  姚明是一个不得不在奴役体制中无奈的玩儿专制游戏、为专制站台的人。 林书豪是一个用自身的意志、勇气与能力战胜环境与背景束缚的人。  姚明是一个被环境、背景、专制强权左右的被奴人(姚明在与NBA签约之前被迫与中国篮协签了"卖身契"保证用自己的篮球、名、利为"中国/中共党朝"服务。  他也曾邀NBA队友到天安门为毛泽东站台与授意到台湾为中共党朝搞"统战")。 林书豪向世界、向人类、向上苍证实了"人"是可以自由的。  姚明则用他的无奈与妥协向人们表达了"默默的绝望"是人生的唯一终结。

林书豪与姚明之间只有对照,没有比较。 林书豪与姚明生活在两个绝对冲突与对立的精神世界里。  姚明的八年NBA生涯是在被利用、被奴役、被迫就范的精神世界中度过的。  林书豪则正在用自身NBA成功的见证突破了历史与族群的束缚与界限,告诉着人们"人是上苍所造的自由人,而绝非政府、族群、历史、环境所造的无奈之物","人可以用自身的信念、勇气与努力设计自身的轨迹,书写自身的剧本,改变历史的走向与所生的环境"。  有什么能比林书豪所证实、所表达的这个真实的信息更使人振奋、更使人解放、更使人自由地去为自身的幸福与尊严无畏前行的呢?! 




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周恩来的女人们 到底有多少?
